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CN250245 - Traffic Systems Asset Maintenance (Market Engagement)



The Kent County Council (KCC) wishes to engage with suppliers regarding capacity in the market to provide future Traffic Systems Asset Maintenance services. The current contract expires on 31st March 2026, with the new contract anticipated to commence on 1st April 2026. The existing contract covers the maintenance of traffic signals with associated vehicle detection systems, as well as electronic message signs, speed/hazard warning signs, CCTV cameras, over-height vehicle detection and the associated fibre optic cables, mobile phone communication links, fixed broadband circuits and other systems used by the Traffic Operations Centre (TOC) based at Aylesford. The contract involves both revenue funding of £1.4M per annum, and capital investment in the asset of approximately £750k per year. Please note these figures are an approximate and are subject to change. The Council have a statutory duty to ensure that the Traffic Systems Assets are maintained in safe working order and remain efficient. Lot 1: This Service will provide full maintenance provision for existing and new technology assets on the Kent Highway network, primarily traffic signals but also electronic message signs, CCTV and associated communications infrastructure, to include: - Routine inspections of equipment to meet statutory duties - Fault repairs due to wear and tear or third-party damage - Temporary switch off traffic signals to allow third parties to undertake works - Planned works to modify existing assets or renew life expired equipment - Communications between on-street units and the Traffic Operations Centre in Aylesford - Provision, operation and management of a fault reporting/monitoring platform - Emergency call out to make damaged equipment safe during out of hours Typically, this involves an annual volume of 2,500 faults, 1,500 routine inspections, 700 requests to temporarily switch off traffic signals and full refurbishment of 10 traffic signal installations.


Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Kent County Council

Mr Cameron Croucher

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