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Arbour Housing Limited for itself and on behalf of North Belfast Housing Association Limited t/a NB Housing and Ark Housing Association Northern Ireland Limited - Periodic Inspection, Servicing, Maintenance and Repair of Active Fire Safety Installation Contract



The Contracting Authorities wish to jointly appoint a Contractor to undertake the periodic inspection, testing, servicing, maintenance and repair of their Active Fire Safety Installations including the undertaking of 24/7 responsive call-outs and repairs to breakdowns during and outside of normal working hours, provision and installation of replacement components of fire prevention/detection alarm and emergency lighting installations, dry risers. Automatic opening and smoke vents, fire fighting equipment, and disabled refuge intercom systems to common parts and within dwellings of social housing blocks, schemes , commercial properties and offices managed by the 3 Contracting Authorities (Arbour Housing, NB Housing and Ark Housing) The service will be required throughout the whole of Northern Ireland, One Contractor will be appointed to undertake the service by means of separate contracts with each of the 3 Contracting Authorities. Lot 1: The scope of the service will encompass the undertaking of periodic inspections, testing, servicing, maintenance and repair of their Active Fire Safety Installations including the undertaking of 24/7 responsive call-outs and repairs to breakdowns during and outside of normal working hours, provision and installation of replacement components of fire prevention/detection alarm and emergency lighting installations, dry risers. Automatic opening and smoke vents, fire fighting equipment, and disabled refuge intercom systems to common parts and within dwellings of social housing blocks, schemes , commercial properties and offices managed by the 3 Contracting Authorities (Arbour Housing, NB Housing and Ark Housing) The service will be required throughout the whole of Northern Ireland, One Contractor will be appointed to undertake the service by means of separate contracts with each of the 3 Contracting Authorities. Key characteristics of the Contracts are likely to be but not limited to: - An initial term of 3 years with an option for the Contracting Authorities to extend by a further two years , and then by a further two years subject to annual performance reviews;. - IT software/system interfacing; - Provisions requiring the delivery of a customer focused service and showing commitment to value for money to the Contracting Authorities and their residents, and must be responsive to achieve collaborative working practices, innovation and continuous improvement; - Provisions for regular monthly, quarterly and annual performance meetings and reviews, early termination and also meeting, maintaining and improving KPI targets - Commitment to Social Value and community engagement The 3 Contracting Authorities currently have the following numbers of sites with fire alarm and /or emergency lighting installations - Ark: total 11 sites - NB Housing: total 20 sites - Arbour: total 29 sites Further information relating to the installations, properties and schemes is included in the procurement documents. The scope of service to be delivered is further defined in the procurement documents. Economic Operators are advised that the terms of the Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment ) Regulations ("TUPE") may apply to the workforce employed by the incumbent contractor in relation to the services to be performed by the successful Economic Operator under the proposed new contract. Economic Operators should note that the estimated value given in this notice is based on the 3 Contracting Authorities historical/current expenditure and the numbers of properties and schemes currently included with their stock portfolio. This value may increase in the event that the 3 Contracting Authorities acquire or develop additional properties during the contract term and require the services covered by the Contracts to be performed on such additional properties. Additional properties may include without limitation residential and commercial properties and corporate facilities, The 3 Contracting Authorities reserve the right to also remove or dispose of properties, in which case the value of the Contracts may decrease. * Additional information: All requests for procurement documentation, communication and submission of tenders must be made by the eTender@Rand Portal , which can be accessed at After creating an account on eTenders@Rand, users will receive an email with a link to activate their account. Once activated and logged in, users will need the following code to register for the procurement documentation: ARB2025


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