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St Ives Digital Trail Project Management, Discovery and Delivery



Project overview Bernard Leach (St Ives) Trust Ltd (Leach Pottery) are seeking a team to deliver a key part of their programme of work funded by the Town Deal. This will be a key part of the developing Cultural Strategy in St Ives, as well as delivering benefits for local residents and businesses. Vision An innovative, place-based, culture-led digital project that uses local voices and stories to actively engage visitors and locals in discovering St Ives beyond the usual places and spaces. The problems we're trying to solve St Ives has a rich and varied historic and contemporary heritage and much of it goes undiscovered by both visitors and residents. R&D work so far has suggested that residents feel disconnected from the tourist offer and don't attend events in the town. There is no one "home" for the local cultural offer and it's disconnected from local businesses. Outcomes If we're successful, residents, businesses and visitors will have an improved perception of place: 1. Local businesses will benefit from both local people and visitors feeling more engaged, wanting to spend more time in the town, and finding new ways to enjoy the local area. 2. Cultural organisations will benefit from a way to share content and stories, and potentially events. 3. Visitors to St Ives have a deeper and wider understanding of the contemporary and historic heritage and culture of the area. 4. Local communities have higher levels of engagement in local culture and heritage, and feel invested in their local area. 5. Cultural organisations, local businesses, and local communities feel represented; they proudly promote the project because they feel ownership of it. 6. Participants in the project (including business, young people and cultural organisations) have higher levels of digital skills Outputs As part of the project, we need to deliver: 1. Discovery activity and branding workshops with businesses, young residents and cultural organisations 2. A portfolio of curated and original digital content (including text, images, video and audio) representing the widest definition of St Ives' heritage, cocreated with at least ten local organisations 3. A digital offer with a strong cohesive identity that engages locals and visitors and promotes the local offer 4. A robust plan for the longer-term management of the platform and content 5. A strong brand and targeted marketing campaign that promotes the platform and supports the project's outcomes 6. Training sessions for local businesses and cultural organisations so they get the best out of the platform and increase their digital skills Key results We'll know we're successful if: 1. 100 local people are engaged in the project 2. 5,000 users in the first year 3. Local businesses and cultural organisations feel like the project has given them value


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a year ago

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a year ago

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Sara Matson

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