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Comms-on-the-move Electronically Steerable Antenna Test facility (CESAT)



The Catapult wishes to create a unique antenna test facility to undertake performance and verification tests on Satellite comms terminals on the move. The Catapult wishes to procure a Large Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) to satisfy a baseline capability on a novel and unique undertaking to test and verify Comms on The Move (CotM) terminals that connect to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations. For all information, please see attachment “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Supporting Document”. Lot 1: Physical Chamber structure and absorber The CATR will form the basis and be used to support the test and performance measurements of satellite mobile phased-array antennas and terminals, in dynamic scenarios, where both the satellite and user are in motion and operating in the L S, C, X band Ku and Ka frequency bands (1 Ghz - 32 GHz). Required components are outlined in the document “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Supporting Document”. The proposed system while is made up of a baseline CATR, the final system will make use of robotic arms to provide the movement of a novel phased array to replicate a LEO satellite in orbital motion, a fixed positioner that has capability to replicate movement relative to a vehicle, ship or aircraft. Where the device under test is being exercised in an emulated RF environment and the performance of such a DUT can be characterised. This will include thermal transitions to emulate the true operating environment the terminal would endure. Additional information: We are requesting that any potential suppliers email us at using the subject line “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Response”, making us aware of their ability to deliver some or all of the componentry required and outlined in this PIN. Please outline lead times, with the understanding that the Catapult requires availability for delivery to be made no later than 01/03/2023. Lot 2: Positions and robotic arm and relevant software The CATR will form the basis and be used to support the test and performance measurements of satellite mobile phased-array antennas and terminals, in dynamic scenarios, where both the satellite and user are in motion and operating in the L S, C, X band Ku and Ka frequency bands (1 Ghz - 32 GHz). Required components are outlined in the document “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Supporting Document”. The proposed system while is made up of a baseline CATR, the final system will make use of robotic arms to provide the movement of a novel phased array to replicate a LEO satellite in orbital motion, a fixed positioner that has capability to replicate movement relative to a vehicle, ship or aircraft. Where the device under test is being exercised in an emulated RF environment and the performance of such a DUT can be characterised. This will include thermal transitions to emulate the true operating environment the terminal would endure. Additional information: We are requesting that any potential suppliers email us at using the subject line “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Response”, making us aware of their ability to deliver some or all of the componentry required and outlined in this PIN. Please outline lead times, with the understanding that the Catapult requires availability for delivery to be made no later than 01/03/2023. Lot 3: Test equipment The CATR will form the basis and be used to support the test and performance measurements of satellite mobile phased-array antennas and terminals, in dynamic scenarios, where both the satellite and user are in motion and operating in the L S, C, X band Ku and Ka frequency bands (1 Ghz - 32 GHz). Required components are outlined in the document “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Supporting Document”. The proposed system while is made up of a baseline CATR, the final system will make use of robotic arms to provide the movement of a novel phased array to replicate a LEO satellite in orbital motion, a fixed positioner that has capability to replicate movement relative to a vehicle, ship or aircraft. Where the device under test is being exercised in an emulated RF environment and the performance of such a DUT can be characterised. This will include thermal transitions to emulate the true operating environment the terminal would endure. Additional information: We are requesting that any potential suppliers email us at using the subject line “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Response”, making us aware of their ability to deliver some or all of the componentry required and outlined in this PIN. Please outline lead times, with the understanding that the Catapult requires availability for delivery to be made no later than 01/03/2023. Lot 4: RF Components The CATR will form the basis and be used to support the test and performance measurements of satellite mobile phased-array antennas and terminals, in dynamic scenarios, where both the satellite and user are in motion and operating in the L S, C, X band Ku and Ka frequency bands (1 Ghz - 32 GHz). Required components are outlined in the document “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Supporting Document”. The proposed system while is made up of a baseline CATR, the final system will make use of robotic arms to provide the movement of a novel phased array to replicate a LEO satellite in orbital motion, a fixed positioner that has capability to replicate movement relative to a vehicle, ship or aircraft. Where the device under test is being exercised in an emulated RF environment and the performance of such a DUT can be characterised. This will include thermal transitions to emulate the true operating environment the terminal would endure. Additional information: We are requesting that any potential suppliers email us at using the subject line “RFP-FY-23-20 PIN Response”, making us aware of their ability to deliver some or all of the componentry required and outlined in this PIN. Please outline lead times, with the understanding that the Catapult requires availability for delivery to be made no later than 01/03/2023.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Satellite Applications Catapult Ltd


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