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Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Road Safety Audit Services for Active Travel and Public Transport Schemes



Laois County Council require the services of competent tenderers for a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Road Safety Audit Services for Active Travel and Public Transport Schemes. LCC is using the Open procedure for this CfT. The Framework agreement will be in place for four years subject to the National Threshold not being passed. However, tenderers should not assume that this will be the level of expenditure over the life of the Framework Agreement. LCC may extend the framework by two further 12 month periods. The mechanism for acquiring services during the framework will be the cascade method. The highest ranked tenderer on the framework agreement will be awarded an initial contract for a Stage 1/2 Road Safety Audit. Description of this scheme can be found in the tender documents. Future schemes requiring RSAs will include, but not limited to - development of new pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, new public lighting, junction tightening schemes, pedestrian crossing schemes, safe routes to school schemes, public transport interventions, e.g. bus shelters, new bus stops, etc. Please read all the documents and complete all the requested information in the TRD. For further information please refer to documentation available to download from


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a month ago

Close date

11 days ago

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Laois County Council

Laois County Council

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