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St Tydfil Shopping Centre Delivery Plan



Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has awarded a contract for the development of a delivery plan for St Tydfil Shopping centre. The delivery plan is proposed to be phased in three stages Stage 1 Familiarisation Stage 2 Influencing Spatial and Development Strategy Stage 3 Outline Delivery Strategy Lot 1: A masterplanning exercise is underway, but the masterplan needs to be supplemented with a property strategy and appropriate delivery models, to facilitate the redevelopment of the town centre, including St Tydfil Shopping Centre. The Delivery Plan will: ● Influence the masterplan to ensure that occupier mix, phasing and delivery considerations are designed-in from the outset ● Define the site parameters, taking into account the up-to-date Flood Risk Map ● Work with existing partners to ascertain whether any of the existing buildings are to form part of the redevelopment proposals ● Critique and challenge the Masterplan ● Be aware of the wider Core Ambitions / Vision for the town (2019) ● Collate information on other town centre projects and include within the wider master plan eg Improving Rail Access to the town and Improvements to the Railway Station ● Integrate updated reports on retail and residential demand. ● Establish current occupier demand and potential mix and scale of uses. ● Establish a baseline of existing occupiers by type across the whole of the town centre ● Implement an estate management strategy with occupiers in St Tydfil’s in line with ongoing development plans. ● Establish a phasing plan for development within the masterplan ● Establish a business case for each phase of the proposed development. ● Consider different types of delivery models for agreed developments. ● Recommend preferred development models in the best interests of the Council and which Officers can use to make recommendations to Cabinet. For instance, the appointment of a specialist JV partner or Consultant in Town Centre Redevelopment The aim is to improve the overall quality and deliverability of the St.Tydfil Centre masterplan


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

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Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council


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