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Tiryberth Primary School - Delivery of Childcare



Tiryberth Primary School has a well-established childcare setting in a purpose-built childcare facility located on the school site, to support the delivery of childcare places to the children and families of the local area. The school are looking for a new provider to re-establish the Playgroup/Wraparound, Afterschool and Holiday Club.The school Governing Body is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from childcare providers who are registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to re-establish this provision. The EOI is open to existing providers who wish to develop new satellite provisions, new providers and to childminders who wish to register as a group-based provision for 2-year-olds and upwards.The new provider must offer funded childcare places under programs like Flying Start and Childcare Offer for Wales, while also accommodating fee-paying parents. Additionally, they’ll be responsible for delivering Assisted and Supported Places.The anticipated registration for this provision is June 2025. EOIs should not exceed 1000 words and should address the following points:Seamless Quality Service: Explain how you plan to offer a seamless, high-quality service.Collaboration with the School: Describe how you’ll work closely with the school.Partnership with Parents and Professionals: Outline your approach to keeping parents, school staff, and other professionals informed about a child’s experience at the childcare provision.Vision for an Inclusive Environment: Share your vision for creating a high-quality, inclusive environment both indoors and outdoors.Providers are also to submit a Business Plan covering finances, sustainability, marketing, and other relevant aspects.Expressions of Interest should be addressed to Leanne Lloyd, Head Teacher, via email at The deadline for submissions is 3 pm on 03 February 2025.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at PLEASE NOTE REGISTERING AN INTEREST IN THE SELL2WALES NOTICE IS NOTREGISTERING AN INTEREST IN THIS TENDER YOU MUST FOLLOW THEINSTRUCTIONS BELOW IN ORDER TO SUBMIT A TENDER**Expressions of Interest should be addressed to Leanne Lloyd, Head Teacher, via email at The deadline for submissions is 3 pm on 03 February 2025.(WA Ref:147601)


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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Caerphilly County Borough Council

Helen Sellwood Sellwood

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