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NAC/5198 - Early Learning and Childcare Funded Providers



North Ayrshire Council invites Providers to apply for this Flexible Framework Agreement to be eligible to deliver Early Learning and Childcare Funded Hours within North Ayrshire. The current framework (NAC/5011) expires on 31st July 2025 and as such, NAC require a new Flexible Framework Agreement to commence from 1st August 2025. The proposed Framework will be for a period of 5 years, expiring 31st July 2030. The terms and conditions of the Flexible Framework Agreement will be the Early Learning and Childcare Model Terms and Conditions. All providers who apply and meet the miniumum conditions of the Flexible Framework agreement (i.e. the National Standards & relevant legislation as noted in the attached documentation) and who accept the rates/framework terms and conditions shall be accepted to deliver funded provision through the Flexible Framework Agreement. Providers can apply for the Flexible Framework Agreement at any time, however to be eligible to start Funded Placements by 1st August 2025 Providers must submit their application by 8th May 2025. Applications recieved after 8th May 2025 will not be reviewed until August 2025 at the earliest. Please review the attached documentation for further information. A Question & Answer facility is available for Providers to submit enquiries related to the application process. All questions must be submitted before 1st May 2025 to ensure a response is received prior to the submission deadline. NAC will be holding drop-in sessions to support Providers with their applications. Members of the Early Years and Corporate Procurement Teams will be available to answer any queries you may have in relation to your application. These sessions will be held at Marress House Early Years Centre, Friars Croft, Irvine, KA11 8EE on Wednesday 26th March 2025 and Wednesday 30th April 2025. Providers are invited to drop-in at any time between 2-8pm on these dates to discuss their applications. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Early Learning and Childcare Services (Including Private, Voluntary and Third Sector Settings) Lot 1 of this Flexible Framework Agreement sets out the minimum standards required from Early Learning and Childcare (Nursery) Services (including Private, Voluntary and Third Sector settings). To apply for this Lot Providers must: 1) Read and review all documentation attached to this notice; 2) Submit a completed Part A (Information and Requirements) Form; and 3) Provide all required evidence listed in Part B (Provider Evidence Requirements) for Lot 1 Where initial evidence submitted does not provide sufficient assurance, additional evidence may be sought by the Council. Potential additional evidence that may be sought is outlined in the attached documents. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Childminding Services Lot 2 of this Flexible Framework Agreement sets out the minimum standards required from Childminding Services. To apply for this Lot Providers must: 1) Read and review all documentation attached to this notice; 2) Submit a completed Part A (Information and Requirements) Form; and 3) Provide all required evidence listed in Part B (Provider Evidence Requirements) for Lot 2 Where initial evidence submitted does not provide sufficient assurance, additional evidence may be sought by the Council. Potential additional evidence that may be sought is outlined in the attached documents.


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