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Technical advisor services for the development of a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution



2,875,000 GBP


North London Waste Authority (the Authority) is seeking a consultant to provide technical advisor services for the development of a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution. This procurement relates to the Strategic Assessment Stage, Stages 1 and 2. However, progression from the Strategic Assessment Stage to subsequent stages will require approval from the Authority's Members and will be subject to satisfying the requirements of the gateway project assurance process as per HM Treasury Guidance. The Authority may, subject to the relevant approvals being in place, progress to Stage 1 and 2. For the overall CCS project, the Authority will use the staged approach as outlined in the HM Treasury guidance to developing the project business case. Stages 3 to 5 are not part of this appointment. The stages are summarised below: Strategic Assessment: Determining the strategic context and undertaking the Strategic Assessment - Enabling early decision-making and governance over early-stage funding. Clarifying options and agreeing assumptions and building the strategic case with industry and transport and storage operators. Stage 1: Business Justification - Scoping the scheme and preparing the Strategic Outline Case - Narrowing the options to a target solution and enabling delivery through appropriate stakeholder partnerships and agreements. Stage 2: Planning the scheme and preparing the Outline Business Case - Refinement of the preferred solution, development of the environmental statement and submission of a full planning application, and preparing the Outline Business Case. For the Strategic Assessment Stage, Stage 1 and Stage 2, the services will involve: A full suite of project management services, including the development of a project execution plan and a full programme of the full project lifecycle, risk management and governance requirement. The Consultant will lead the development of the project's business and public benefits case and develop and implement a stakeholder management plan, and will establish relationships with elements of the supply chain on behalf of the Authority. The consultant will carry out a strategic assessment and a pre-front end engineering and design study to establish how the CCS will integrate with the Energy Recovery Facility ("ERF") and any future transport and permanent storage infrastructure. They will consider the cost, schedule, health and safety, and permitting implications of integration with the ERF. Looking ahead, they will develop transport solutions in anticipation of future off-shore storage, including the development of routing options. They will also provide technical advice and support as required for the Authority's external communication activities. Additional information: As noted above, this procurement relates to the Strategic Assessment Stage, Stages 1 and 2. However, progression from the Strategic Assessment Stage to subsequent stages will require approval from the Authority's Members and will be subject to satisfying the requirements of the gateway project assurance process as per HM Treasury Guidance. The Authority may, subject to the relevant approvals being in place, progress to Stage 1 and 2. The anticipated value of the appointment for the Strategic Assessment Stage is £1,724,000.


Publish date

3 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

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North London Waste Authority


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