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Internet of Things and Remote Condition Monitoring



At Network Rail, we currently have in excess of 40 different platforms that enable the organisation to remotely monitor a range of sensors and data logger devices, to allow the 24*7 control centres to respond to alarms. This excessive number of systems results in a fragmented view of the status of Network Rails Assets, its Network and performance. Alongside this fragmentation, business demands are shifting, and the organisation now needs a solution that will drive better understanding of the health / performance of Network Rails assets and inform decision making in the control centres. From a technology perspective, the organisation will require a solution that will fit well with a hybrid cloud environment and deliver a more open and integrated solution. Therefore, Network Rail requires an agile and scalable IoT / Remote Condition Monitoring platform to provide the following: • Integration with a range of legacy devices. • Integration with 3rd party systems, of which Network Rail has a growing quantity of 3rd party systems. • Integration with a range of future industrial control devices, of which Network Rail has plans to utilise a range of open industrial control devices that is part of a parallel tendering exercise. • a real time bi-directional feed of time series data into Network Rails DataLake to provide data to analytics models and provide forecasting / planning services. • a local view of those assets relevant to the user based on their role and geographic location. • a comprehensive alarm mgmt. solution that aids the diagnosis of the alarm and translates priority into actions that result in work orders. • a streamlined suite of configuration tools that deliver a one click configuration process for setting up the monitoring assets and to automatically build the configuration files, the alarm logic, the schematics. The future platform will be a key component of Network Rails IT/OT convergence strategy, which will see a focus on real time monitoring, visualisation and control of a range of remote assets. The platform would also enable an agile transformation of our ability to innovate, deliver value and drive better decisions across Network Rail. Our goal is to provide our control centre staff, maintenance teams and operational staff with one integrated view of the status, condition and health of our operational railway. This platform will be delivered in partnership with the software vendor and by using Agile design and development methodologies will utilise agile / DevOps processes to release regularly platform changes, this will enable both business, IT and software vendor teams to work together to create a service that connects business colleagues, to situations in a way that makes sense. This initiative will deliver a common platform for monitoring the health of Assets, the status of the railway for train operations and Situation Awareness. Lot 1: Network Rail currently has more than 40 different SCADA and Remote Condition Monitoring products from different vendors. These technologies are located mainly on-premise and present the overheads and drawbacks of such systems. Network Rail recognises the need to rationalise, standardise and update our SCADA and RCM platforms to improve agility, speed and provide access to new capabilities. The purpose of this RFI is to engage with the supply base and request information relating to the existing Mobile Network Data Processing and Analysis solutions available in the market, specifically this RFI will look to address the following areas •Identify the existing solutions available in the market •Identify the functionality and capabilities of the software services available in the market •Identify indicative costs of the software solutions available in the market •Identify any additional capabilities that Network Rail may have not considered In order to view further background information and express an interest in this requirement please follow the below instructions: 1. Follow the link - 2. From the welcome screen, access the “View Current Opportunities” link and select “Pre-Market Engagement: Internet of Things and Remote Condition Monitoring". 3. Click on the attachments "Scada and RCM scope" and “Internet of Things and Remote Condition Monitoring – RFI Submission Template” Once completed please send your submission document via email as attachment to with the email subject " Internet of Things and Remote Condition Monitoring RFI". The response deadline for this RFI is the 1st October 2021. Network Rail may be looking to tender this requirement in the near future, any potential tender event in relation to this requirement may be issued via the Network Rail procurement platform – BravoNR, issued through the Technology - Supplier Qualification System (SQS), under one of the following categories •Infrastructure Monitoring of Infrastructure The SQS has been established to provide a single platform for suppliers to register against multiple technology specific categories. Qualification will negate the need for a supplier to complete Network Rail’s mandatory and discretionary questions every time they are invited to participate in a competitive process. Registered and qualified suppliers on the SQS can be considered by Network Rail for contract opportunities without further notification of requirements published via the Official Journal of the European Union. If you wish to be invited to any potential tender opportunity in relation to this requirement then please refer to the link and instructions below which contains documents that provides detail on: • How to register an account for BravoNR • An overview of the Technology – Supplier Qualification System and the Dynamic Purchasing System • The instructions on how to register and qualify for the SQS and select technology categories 1 Follow the link - 2 From the welcome screen, access the “View Current Opportunities” link and select “Technology Supplier Qualification System” .


Publish date

4 years ago

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Network Rail


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