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Commercial Ticketing and Retail Systems



Provision of commercial ticketing and retail systems Lot 1: Ticketing System Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has a requirement for a modern, functionally rich and adaptable ticketing system to take our visitor business to the next level. HES has a varied estate of sites, each with their own slightly different requirements; some are predominantly pre-booked, while many rely on walk-up ticketing. HES also sells afternoon teas, events tickets and multi-site passes. A new ticketing system must provide a first-class seamless process for online ticket transactions, along with intuitive point of sale and back-office processes that enables first class customer service and booking management. The following headline areas are within the scope of this ticketing system tender. - Online ticketing - Walk-up ticketing - Ticket collection kiosks - Travel Trade booking management - Explorer Passes - Education bookings - Admissions Gift Aid Management - Membership - Integration to Microsoft Dynamics 365, our primary membership & CRM System - Access control for ticket validation - Payment gateway integrations - Interface (file export) to Oracle Fusion - Reporting Further information can be found in the document attached with this notice. Lot 2: Retail System HES requires a mainstream mid-market retail management system with functionality to cover planning, buying, merchandising, warehousing, reporting and full omni-channel management as we continue to develop our online offer and experience for the retail customer. The following headline areas are within the scope of this retail system tender: - All Retail Buying & Merchandising Processes - Warehouse Management for both general product management & eCommerce fulfilment - Integration to Shopify to have a fully managed stock ecosystem - Store Operations & Compliance - Mobile PoS for pop-up shops & event retailing - EPoS functionality - Integration to Oracle Fusion - Integration with Ticketing system - Reporting Further information can be found in the document attached with this notice.


Publish date

7 days ago

Buyer information

Historic Environment Scotland

David Flockhart

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