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Health services



14,600,000 GBP


NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group and Powys Teaching Health Board jointly wish to invite prospective providers to express their interest for the provision of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) for eligible patients within the local healthcare population. NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group and Powys Teaching Health Board jointly wish to invite prospective providers to express their interest for the provision of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) for eligible patients within the local healthcare population. A non-emergency transport service is provided for patients, both adults and children, who have a medical condition which prevents them from using other forms of transport to travel to and from healthcare appointments. It is not for people who require transport for financial or social reasons, or for those requiring an immediate or emergency response. The objectives of the service are to: — provide transportation booking facilities e.g. telephone line, email, online system etc which are compliant with the accessible information standard, — provide a dedicated team/s and booking office/s or hub within the geographical locality, — conduct patient eligibility assessments and manage demand on the service in line with commissioned activity levels, — determine patient’s mobility and moving and handling requirements to identify the type of vehicle and specialist equipment to be used for transportation/movement, — determine patient’s mental health needs for example determine the support a dementia patient would require, — provide vehicles and transport suitable for our eligible patients according to the patient medical condition/mobility, — provide patient transport management and liaison with the NHS providers to ensure integration and system flow, — provide local patient travel advice and sign-posting for patients assessed as not eligible to access the transportation service. The CCG’s are looking to appoint a service provider or consortium to deliver this service for a period of 3 years with an optional 12 months extension available. The successful provider will be required to sign the NHS Standard Contract for the service and accept all terms and conditions.


Publish date

6 years ago

Close date

6 years ago

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Telford and Wrekin CCG


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