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Mental Health Core Services (TT & PT SMHP) for NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board



NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (herein referred to as 'the Authority') seeks suitably qualified providers to tender for this 'NHS Talking Therapies (TT) and Psychological Therapies for Severe Mental Health Problems (PT SMHP) herein referred to as 'Mental Health Core Services'. The Authority is undertaking a Competitive Process within the scope of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR) regulations. The service that this notice relates is within scope of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). The Authority is bound only by the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations. The contract term is from 01st August 2025 - 31st July 2028, with the option to extend for a maximum of 24 months. The aggregate value of the contract (including extensions) as advertised in the Find a Tender Service (FTS) is £92,503,175.00 Sterling. The aggregate value of the contract (excluding extensions) is £55,879,469.00 Sterling over the 3-year contract term. To register interest please go to . Click on 'Register here' and follow the onscreen instructions. The relevant documentation will be available within the 'itt_160 - Mental Health Core Services (TT & PT SMHP) for NHS MSE ICB'' project. Lot 1: The provisions to which the service relates are NHS Talking Therapies (TT, formally known as IAPT) and Psychological Therapies for Severe Mental Health Problems (PT SMHP), referred to herein as “Mental Health Core Services”. In July 2020 the ICBs superseded the previous Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). In Mid and South Essex there were 5 separate CCGs (Mid Essex, Basildon and Brentwood, Thurrock, Castle Point and Rochford and Southend). The historic arrangements have created inequitable service provision for patients living within Mid and South Essex, with multiple pathways and varied levels of access. The Long-Term Plan and Joint Forward Plan (2023) states a commitment to increase access to psychological therapies with a focus on maintaining treatment times and recovery standards. The Authority intends to commission a single system-wide offer, to amalgamate all the contracts for these services into one contract to support integration, reduce fragmentation of services and reduce the number of contracts that Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board will manage. The Authority pursues this commissioning strategy in order to reduce health inequalities, enhance and improve outcomes, including patient safety and quality. The new service will provide a single provision for NHS Talking Therapies and Psychological Therapies for Severe Mental Health Problems across Mid and South Essex, ensuring that patients are seen by the right person, at the right time and on the correct pathway. The aims and objectives for delivery of the Service include: • Improving the health of our population and reducing health inequalities, by ensuring improved patient outcomes with a focus on quality of delivery across the ICS. • Ensure patients have equitable offer across the board, while encouraging partnership working amongst organisations across the system. • Enhance productivity and value for money, by reducing administration time, duplication, and overall management costs. The Authority is running a competitive procurement process which will establish one contract for the new provision commencing on the 01st August 2025 to 31st July 2028 (with option to extend for a maximum of 24 months), for a potential aggregate total contract term of 5 years inclusive of extensions. The award criteria, including Basic Selection and Key Criteria are outlined within the procurement documentation. The service requirements and details are outlined in the Document 3 - Service Specification included in the procurement pack. All relevant information can be obtained for free via the e-procurement portal at under the title 'itt_160 - Mental Health Core Services (TT & PT SMHP) for NHS MSE ICB'' project. Please Note: Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken by you in relation to any procurement activity is a matter solely for your own commercial judgment. The Authority reserves the right to withdraw from the process at any time or to not tender the service(s) or to tender on a different basis. In such circumstances, and in any event, the Authority and/or its advisors shall not be liable for any costs or loss of expenses whatsoever incurred by any organisation, agent or subsidiary that may have contributed to any proposals submitted to this notice. Any and all information/documents are draft and subject to change. Under no circumstances should providers approach the Authority directly in relation to the service. To register interest please go to . Click on 'Register here' and follow the onscreen instructions. The relevant documentation will be available within the 'itt_160 - Mental Health Core Services (TT & PT SMHP) for NHS MSE ICB'' project.' The deadline for receipt of compliant bid submissions is 28th March 2025 at 17:30hrs. Additional information: To register interest please go to . Click on 'Register here' and follow the onscreen instructions. The relevant documentation will be available within the 'itt_160 - Mental Health Core Services (TT & PT SMHP) for NHS MSE ICB'' project.' The deadline for receipt of compliant bid submissions is 28th March 2025 at 17:30hrs.


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NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board


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