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Washroom Services and Period Dignity Solutions



NWUPC is seeking to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement on behalf of the members of APUC, CPC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC and SUPC for Washroom Services and Period Dignity Solutions as the successor to an existing framework agreement. This Framework Agreement will commence on 1st April 2025 for an initial period of thirty-six (36) months until 31st March 2028 with the option to extend the Agreement for 12 months until 31st March 2029 subject to satisfactory Economic Operator performance. The agreement is split into fourteen (14) lots. Lots 1-13 cover the supply of Washroom Services on a regional basis. Lot 14 covers Period Dignity Solutions. Lot 100801: Lots 1-13 Washroom Services This lot covers the full complement of services/products required to create and maintain a clean, safe and pleasant washroom environment. It is a mandatory requirement that suppliers can provide the following services/products: Hygiene Waste Collection and Disposal; Air Care Products & Replenishment; Hand Care and Drying; Vending Solutions.The Framework also includes the following services on a non-mandatory basis: Water Management; Clinical Waster & Sharps Disposal; Matting; First Aid productsPlease complete this questionnaire if you are applying for one or more of Lots 1-13. You only need to complete this questionnaire once. Please read all tender documents and the Supplier Guide to tendering before completing your response Lot 100803: Lot 14 Period Dignity Solutions This lot is focused on delivering period dignity to member communities through period products which are safe, sustainably sourced, with a low environmental impact and high social value. Access to products and education services will be for students, staff, and the wider community of participating members. Sales may be through the institution or direct from end users; with product delivery predominantly to the premises of the Member but may be required to personal addresses.Please complete this questionnaire if you are applying for Lot 14 Please read all tender documents and the Supplier Guide to tendering before completing your response Lot 100805: Mandatory Questionnaire (All Lots) The following questionnaire must be completed by all Economic Operators before completing the individual Lot questionnaires. All questions are mandatory and must be completed. The Economic Operator only needs to complete the Mandatory Questionnaire once irrespective of the number of lots you are bidding for. Please see the ITT document and Selection Criteria Scoring Mechanism prior to completion.Please read the Supplier Guide to Tendering, Selection Criteria Scoring Mechanism, Invitation to Tender and accompanying appendices prior to completing any sections on this e-tendering system.


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

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