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Proposals for the development of a comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Trails Masterplan for the Ballyhoura area.



Trails across the Ballyhoura area provide a recreational experience for thousands of people annually. Over the past 30 years, local trails have grown to become a critical part of the sense of place and way of life of the area. The trails are a significant driver of local social, environmental and economic activity and contribute positively to the physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being of residents and visitors. The areas natural, cultural and built heritage environment underpin these health, social and economic benefitsTrail users include hikers, walkers, fitness groups, mindfulness groups, mountain bikers, trail runners, dogs, events, and more. Recreational trail use has increased significantly over recent years fuelled by population growth, access and trail improvements, healthy lifestyles, access to affordable clothing and technology, and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased levels of use create new opportunities but also highlights challenges, including those related to trailhead access, parking and amenities, trail maintenance, natural areas protection, biodiversity and wildlife conflicts and more. Proposals are invited from qualified consultants with proven experience and expertise in regional trail strategy design and development, community and stakeholder consultation, data collection and analysis and sustainability to lead the development of a comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Trails Masterplan for the Ballyhoura area. The Masterplan will provide a 15-year framework to guide strategic investment and development of non-motorised, motorised and water based recreational routes with appropriate amenities, services and infrastructure aligning with national, regional and local community strategies. The strategy will bring a strong sustainability perspective into local trail development. Lot 263760: Proposals for the development of a comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Trails Masterplan for the Ballyhoura area. Please refer to RFT Document for full details


Publish date

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Ballyhoura Development CLG

Phoebe Barrett

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