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Building and facilities management services



In Dec 15 SWBH NHS Trust signed a PF2 contract with The Hospital Company (Sandwell) Ltd to design, fund, build and maintain a new acute hospital in Smethwick — The Midland Metropolitan Hospital. In Jan 18 The Hospital Company (Sandwell) Ltd.’s construction contractor (Carillion Construction Ltd) were liquidated. The Trust has now received approval to conduct a public sector procurement to complete the construction works. A separate procurement is underway for this work. Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust wishes to explore options for the hard facilities management in relation to the newly constructed Midland Metropolitan Hospital and its retained estate. Further information is available on request. Contact: 0121 507 4103 — mmh.projectoffice@nhs Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust wishes to explore options for hard facilities management services. The Trust is considering putting in place a single supplier Framework Agreement which will cover a range of activities. The Trust is considering the inclusion of the following activities within this Framework Agreement: 1) Early contractor involvement Consultancy services in relation facilities management issues arising during the construction stage of the Midland Metropolitan Hospital; 2) Hard facilities management services in relation to the newly constructed Midland Metropolitan Hospital; 3) Hard facilities management services in relation to the Trust’s retained estate; 4) Planned works in relation to the Trust’s estate. A pre-market engagement session is to be held in relation to the proposed procurement. This will be held on 21.3.2019 at the Midland Metropolitan hospital site office. Please contact: and cc to register your interest in attending. More details of the proposed procurement and intended areas for pre-market engagement can be obtained on request to the contact above.


Publish date

6 years ago

Buyer information

Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust

Warren Grigg — Project Office

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