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Foreign economic-aid-related services



Access Power, CPCS Transcom Ltd


30,000,000 USD


InfraCo Africa is choosing to follow a procurement process based on the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation for award of a public contract, as set out within the UK Public Contracts Regulations 2015. InfraCo Africa seeks to alleviate poverty by mobilising investment into sub-Saharan infrastructure projects: it does this by funding teams of experienced project developers or by investing directly into projects which need the financial commitment and leverage that InfraCo Africa can bring. InfraCo Africa is now looking to extend its reach and pipeline of projects. InfraCo Africa will procure up to 2 developers, to provide Developer Services on projects where InfraCo Africa's local partner does not have the resource or experience to act as the lead developer. Developers will be expected to undertake the activities necessary to originate and progress an infrastructure project from concept to bankable investment opportunity. Please refer to the Procurement Documents. InfraCo Africa seeks to alleviate poverty by mobilising investment into sub-Saharan infrastructure projects: it does this by funding teams of experienced project developers or by investing directly into projects which need the financial commitment and leverage that InfraCo Africa can bring. InfraCo Africa is now looking to extend its reach and pipeline of projects. InfraCo Africa has launched this Procurement Exercise to award up to 2 developer services contracts. Each contract will allocate up to USD 15 000 000 to each successful applicant, to cover third party project costs and developer time on approved projects, over a 4 year period (with possible extensions as set out in the Procurement Documents). InfraCo Africa will procure developer services on projects where InfraCo Africa's local partner does not have the resource or experience to act as the lead developer. Developers will be expected to undertake the activities necessary to originate and progress an infrastructure project from concept to bankable investment opportunity as set out in the Procurement Documents. InfraCo Africa is choosing to follow a procurement process based on the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation for award of a public contract, as set out within the UK Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Please refer to the Procurement Documents for further details. Following evaluation of Applicants’ Initial Tenders by InfraCo Africa, InfraCo Africa may either award the Contract to the Applicants offering the most economically advantageous tender at that stage. Without entering into negotiations, or choose to negotiate in accordance with the UK Procurement Guidelines and procedure set out in the Procurement Documents. The information relating to the nature and scope of the services to be provided under the developer services contract(s) and indication of InfraCo Africa's minimum needs and requirements are set out in the Procurement Documents. The maximum value of this Procurement Exercise as set out in this notice is the combined value of up to USD 30 000 000, if InfraCo Africa choose to award 2 developer service contracts. For the avoidance of doubt, if only 1 developer service contract is awarded, the maximum value of a contract will be up to USD 15 000 000.


Award date

7 years ago

Publish date

7 years ago

Buyer information

InfraCo Africa Limited

Huw Turner, Elizabeth Hipwell

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