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Regulatory Assurance



Southern Water is going to market to seek suppliers to become part of the Regulatory Assurance Framework Agreement to deliver Regulatory assurance services including but not limited to Technical Assurance, Commercial Assurance, Strategic Assurance, Cost modelling, Internal Audit Services, Fraud Investigations and other related services. This provision will likely be a two-stage negotiated procedure with prior call for competition to set up a Regulatory Assurance Framework Agreement lasting 4 years, with an option to extend for a period of up to 1 year. It is anticipated that the opportunity will be formally published before the end of Q2 2025. The supply of services will be remote or across the entire Southern Water (SW) region. SW’s region covers Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Any estimated quantities or values contained or referred to in this or other tender documents, are for guidance only. They do not bind SWS to buy any specific quantities should the bidder be successful and enter into an Agreement. It is anticipated that the services which the successful bidder(s) will be asked to provide under this agreement is currently not split into lots. Please note that SWS reserves the right to update the lot structure and scope at the release of the contract notice for the Regulatory Assurance Framework. Lot 1: Southern Water is a highly regulated business with formal, established reporting cycles to the Environment Agency, Ofwat and the Drinking Water Inspectorate and other stakeholders. Our regulators’ assurance requirements continue to evolve and those of Ofwat particularly are increasing significantly for AMP8 reporting. We are therefore seeking partner organisations to help meet our regulators’ developing requirements and support an increase to our already significant assurance programme over the next five-year AMP. These companies will enhance our existing framework, maintain consistency of delivery and be effective and accountable for the services they provide. To understand the extensive assurance programme we will be building on, you can find more information on our website here: Assurance Information - Southern Water PR24 Final Determinations can be found on Ofwat’s website here: Final determinations - Ofwat Additional information: This is not a call for competition. We are conducting a Request for Information exercise to obtain informative data on the market environment in the area of regulatory assurance between The Request for Information exercise will be conducted on the Jaggaer e-procurement portal at:


Publish date

2 months ago

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Southern Water Services Ltd


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