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General Practice Resilience Support Service Framework



5,000,000 GBP


Following a feasibility phase, NHS England may wish to undertake a procurement exercise. Subject to change, the current intention is that a future procurement will deliver a framework agreement with multiple suppliers for the provision of strategic, financial and operational support to general practice organisations requiring immediate help to move towards more resilient and sustainable care and/or new organisational models.<br/>The expected menu of support will cover:<br/>1. Diagnostic services to identify areas for improvement support<br/>2. Specialist advice and guidance (e.g. operational, HR, IT, management, finance)<br/>3. Coaching, supervision, mentorship and organisational development support as appropriate to meet needs<br/>4. Practice management capacity support<br/>5. Rapid intervention and management support for practices at risk of closure<br/>6. Coordinated support to help practices struggling with recruitment and/or retention<br/>7. Change management and improvement support to individual practices or group of practices Lot 1: Please refer to the RFI questions listed below, which we have prepared as part of the market engagement. Would you kindly respond by Friday, January 17th?<br/>Questions:<br/>1. Would you be interested in bidding for a contract to deliver these services?<br/>2. Do you currently deliver a service that meets some/all of the needs outlined in this document (menu of support)?<br/>3. Could you meet the potential breadth of support required by General Practice (see seven areas in the expected menu shared in description of procurement)? Do you think it’s reasonable to expect delivery across all seven areas under one specification (see expected menu shared in description of procurement)?<br/>4. How would you design a support offer based on an assessment of needs?<br/>5. In your view what would be the best way to bring patient and staff involvement into the design of both the assessment and support offer(s)?<br/>6. What would be the best way to ensure local information and knowledge supports the design and delivery of support?<br/>7. Do you think the contract can be delivered in a way that delivers social value benefits (e.g. to staff, patients, communities) ? please explain. How could the development of team culture form part of the delivery approach?<br/>8. How would you evidence impact from delivery of this service and futureproof the service that has been provided? Additional information: Further to this PIN notice NHSE wishes undertake a tender process to initiate a multisupplier<br/>framework agreement, so that potential authorities can undertake call-offs as and<br/>when required in line with framework Terms and conditions.<br/>To access the tender management portal, please see the tender portal link and the helpdesk<br/>details:<br/><br/>Helpdesk:<br/>Phone: 0800 9956035<br/>E-mail:


Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

NHS England

Herlin Joseph

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