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River Nith: Former Polquhirter Treatment Works River Corridor Restoration



The Former Polquhirter Treatment Works River Corridor Restoration project is for the construction of the detailed design as provided in this tender. The works include the removal of the embankments running through the Former Polquhirter Treatment Works and construction of new embankments at an appropriate setback distance to satisfy the flood alleviation and river restoration measures specified. The works include re-profiling of the ground between the river and embankments, which requires re-turfed, seeded and planted as per an agreed design. The works include the construction of a new culvert, headwalls and sluice gate are to be installed in the Castlemains Field Drain/Burn, with remeandering downstream of the new culvert. Tenderers are required to complete and provide all information required in accordance with these instructions, the Conditions of Tender and the Invitation to Tender submission document. Tenderers submissions should answer each of the questions outlined within the ITT. Contracts will be awarded on the basis of the Most Economically Advantageous Tender with 60% of the overall evaluation score given to quality and 40% of the overall evaluation score given to price.


Publish date

a year ago

Close date

12 months ago

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