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Inspection and Maintenance of Structures In and Around Watercourses 2024-2030



Hampshire County Council (the Authority) is seeking to establish a single Contractor Term Service Contract for the Inspection and Maintenance of Structures In and Around Watercourses, to meet the Authority's statutory requirements to provide these works and services, particularly where they form part of the Highways network. Delivery of inspection and maintenance works on watercourse structures are constrained by specific Health and Safety legislation. Where these works fall part of Highways infrastructure the requirements are specified under the Highways Act 1980. Full details of the Authorities requirements can be found in ITT Annex 1 Section 4 where the Scope and Specification is detailed. The contract is valued at up to ?3.5 million and has an anticipated contract start date of 1st May 2024. The initial contract period is 4 years to 30th April 2028 with an optional 2-year extension to 30th April 2030. The proposed works under the contract will be split into two distinct tranches; each tranche will be delivered as follows: o Tranche 1 - the inspection regime, this is split over 2 years, with year 1 requiring a dive team of a minimum of 3 people; then year 2 made up of inspections in confined spaces or requiring robotic vehicles. o Tranche 2 - repairs and maintenance, is delivered by the Authority undertaking repairs and maintenance of Watercourse structures including planned maintenance activities. Contractors may be expected to undertake larger structural and Civil works on Highways infrastructure where the structure is within a Watercourse. It is expected this contract will have a wider use for the inspection and maintenance of structures that are either in or around a Watercourse, that do not fall part of the Highways infrastructure, example being canals and other Watercourse structures where the Authority has a duty to maintain. Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website, and complete and submit the tender return document together with any supporting information requested by 14.00 hrs on Monday 19th February 2024. How to obtain the Tender Documents The Tender documents can be accessed when logged into In-Tend by selecting 'View Details' on the relevant tender advert and clicking the 'Express Interest' tab. Once in the tender there are five tabs - 'Tender', 'ITT - documents', 'Correspondence', 'Clarifications' and 'History'. Select the 2nd tab (ITT - documents) where you will find useful information under 'Tender Details' continue to scroll down to the heading 'Tender Documents Received' where you will be able to view / download the documents. Please download all the documents and read very carefully. Opting In and Opting Out Please note you are required to 'Opt In' before you can access the 'My tender Return' to start populating your response. PLEASE NOTE you are required to... Additional information: Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website Guidance on how to participate in a tender - download and upload documents / returns and if required, register your company (free of charge), can be found on the In-tend site under the 'Help' or 'Information for Suppliers' buttons. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


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Hampshire County Council

Strategic Procurement (Main)

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