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Education Network for Northern Ireland - "Education Network (NI)"



Capita Managed IT Solutions


175,000,000 GBP


The purpose of this VEAT notice is to inform and give prior notice to the market that The Education Authority intends to modify this contract in accordance with Regulation 72 (1) (b) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to (i) extend the contract for an additional 2 years until 31/03/2027 with a further 2 x 1 year additional extension options, and (ii) increase the value by up to £175,000,000. Regulation 72 (1) (c) also permits this modification due to unforeseen circumstances which a diligent authority could not have foreseen. The overall nature of the contract is not altered and the modification value does not exceed 50% of the original contract value. Lot 1: The continuation of the existing single contractor managed service arrangement which includes the supply of a broad range of computer and related services (including, without limitation, on-going management, operation and maintenance services), information technology consultancy services and the supply of computer hardware, software and associated products. The overall scope of the services can be summarised as follows: — a fully integrated end to end service to meet the management/administration and learning/teaching needs of educational establishments, — ICT infrastructure and associated services for post primary and special educational establishments, — connectivity to, and provision of a range of online services for all educational establishments. The systems and services provided via the current contract have been uniquely configured to reflect the varying requirements of the Education Authority.


Award date

13 years ago

Publish date

a day ago

Buyer information

Education Authority Northern Ireland


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