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CA296 (2024) - Data & Architecture Specialist Resource Augmentation



CGI IT UK Ltd, Ernst & Young LLP, OCC Computer Personnel (Northern) Ltd, Version 1 Software Limited, KPMG Ireland, Accenture lreland Limited, Accenture lreland Limited, CGI IT UK Ltd, Ernst & Young LLP, Version 1 Software Limited, KPMG Ireland


13,000,000 GBP


NIE Networks wanted to establish framework panels of suitably qualified and experienced service providers who could provide resources for the following areas: Lot 1 - Data Specialists - Provision of data development resources to assist the inhouse Data Team in the analysis and reporting of business data. Lot 2 - Architecture Specialists - Provision of technical architect resources to assist the inhouse IT Team in the delivery of the RP7 programme of work. The resulting framework panels will be for provision of professional service provision. In order to meet all of the business needs, NIE Networks wanted to appoint suitably qualified and experienced Data & Architecture Specialists (under separate Framework Panels for each Lot, with the individual successful bidders), to provide the services by working closely with the IT Team. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Data Specialists NIE Networks has established a panel of six organisations and appointed each on to framework agreements for this Lot 1, in accordance with the ITT documentation. It was envisaged to acquire experienced data specialists who can provide support and development services across the current data landscape and possible new data technology areas which may be implemented during the period of the framework agreement. The framework for this lot has been awarded for a period of 3 years, with the option to extend (entirely at the discretion of NIE Networks) for up to a further 2 periods of up to 2 years each. That is a possible 7 years in total (3 years, with optional 2 x 2-year extensions). Lot 2: Lot 2 – Architecture Specialists NIE Networks has placed a panel of five organisations and appointed each on to framework agreements for this Lot 2, in accordance with the ITT documentation. It was envisaged to acquire experienced architects who can provide services across the current landscape and possible new technology areas which may be implemented during the period of the framework agreement. The framework for this lot is awarded for a period of 3 years, with the option to extend (entirely at the discretion of NIE Networks) for up to a further 2 periods of up to 2 years each. That is a possible 7 years in total (3 years, with optional 2 x 2-year extensions).


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

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Northern Ireland Electricity Networks


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