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Wave 5 Skills Bootcamps - Midyear Provision



100,000,000 GBP


Skills Connect is West Yorkshire Combined Authority's (WYCA) fully funded, non-accredited adult training programme. It offers flexible courses at an equivalent to Level 3 and above and has been developed to address employer skills shortages within the region, allowing individuals to access higher level employment opportunities or progression within their current employment. Courses offer innovative delivery methods, blending the acquisition of specialist skills with more holistic wrap-around support and careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG) which meets the needs of individuals and businesses. Lot 1: Lot 1 Skills Bootcamp in Early Years Lot 1 – West Yorkshire wide Course: Skills Bootcamp in Early Years Specifics • Minimum 60 GLH • Level 3 and above • x50 learners (x25 learners for Leeds Local Authority) WYCA are keen to find a provider to deliver a Skills Bootcamp in Early Years. Providers should state the objectives and content of the course, with an employer-based rationale, where an opportunity for a Pathway to Accelerated Apprenticeship may be available, along with the opportunity for individuals to enter or re-enter the sector. Lot 2: Lot 2 High Performance Full Stack Software Development Lot 2 – Wakefield Local Authority area Course: – Skills Bootcamp in High Performance Full Stack Software Development Specifics • Minimum 100 GLHs • Level 4/5 and above • x30 learners Providers will be required to design a bespoke Skills Bootcamp programme developed to enhance and add value to current digital skills. This programme will support employers through offering Software Development, common technical skills, specialist coding and the design and creation of websites utilising industry-standard technologies. Lot 3: Lot 3 Carbon Capture and Storage Lot 3 – Wakefield Local Authority area Course: Skills Bootcamp in Carbon Capture and Storage Specifics • Minimum 60 GLH • Level 3/4 • x15 learners Rationale A Skills Bootcamp which is aimed at developing skills in green technology is required within the Wakefield District. This is aimed at supporting participants to gain the necessary knowledge to understand the green skills agenda in engineering and automation including the introduction of new technologies such as decarbonisation. Providers will be required to design and deliver a sound introduction to the industry with the primary aim of the programme being to focus on the delivery of new and emerging core skills and knowledge linked to Carbon Capture and Storage. Lot 4: Lot 4 FE Trades Tutor Lot 4 – West Yorkshire wide Course: Skills Bootcamp in FE Trades Tutor Specifics • Minimum 60 GLH • Level 3 and above • x24 learners We are looking for a provider to deliver a Skills Bootcamp in FE Trades Tutor, with the aim to equip vocationally competent and experienced tradespeople with the knowledge and skills in teaching their specialist trade to learners. Suggested content includes but is not limited to an introduction to the FE sector, pedagogy, tailoring learning, lesson preparation and delivery, the role of Ofsted, safeguarding, Prevent, and embedding English and Maths. Providers should demonstrate an understanding of the target demographic, requirements of teaching in an FE setting, and how a competent tradesperson could be best equipped to teach within the Skills Bootcamp programme model, with a strong rationale for the selection of any specific trades. Lot 5: Lot 5 Green Skills Lot 5 – West Yorkshire wide Green Skills Specifics • Minimum 60 GLHs per course • Level 3 and above (Level 2 and above for construction) • 125 learners in total for the Lot (can be broken down into smaller numbers per Skills Bootcamp) The West Yorkshire Combined Authority would like to procure a suite of Skills Bootcamps in a number of green skill areas. Providers should propose courses that will respond to local need, emerging priorities and sector skills shortages, and take account of the spread of provision required in each Local Authority area. Providers should also stipulate the number of learners to be trained for each Skills Bootcamp, with a clear rationale for this based on local employer demand. Examples of provision could include the below skill areas or a combination of these. Options include but are not limited to: • 18th Edition • EV charging installation and maintenance • Solar PV installation and maintenance • Heat Pump installation and maintenance • Skills for retrofit


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West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Catherine Land

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