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Domestic Abuse Services - community-based within Slough Borough Council



To appoint a single provider to provide the service to form part of a whole system response to domestic abuse, including identification, referral and triage, support provided to victims and their children. MARAC, and post intervention step down or recovery. Slough Borough Council works in partnership with the Police, ICB (Integrated Care Board), Children First, Victim First Hub (OPCC), Probation, health partners and the voluntary sector. This commission will be led by Slough Borough Council via the formal procurement portal. It is relevant to and sets the requirements for the delivery of a Domestic Abuse support service to the residents of the Borough of Slough. The Service will promote safe options and outcomes for children, young people and adults. This specification includes support for those at risk from, or experiencing Forced Marriage and 'so called Honour Based Abuse'. Slough Borough Council is seeking to appoint a single 'Provider' to deliver the services detailed in the specification. The Provider shall provide all activities from the commencement date of the contract, 2nd January 2025. If you are interested in this opportunity, please download read the guidance document and supporting appendices. Completed proposals need to be submitted via Intend by 31st July 2024 at 12 noon. Additional information: The Council reserves the right to cancel the procurement process at any point. The Council is not liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of this procurement process or for any other costs incurred by those participating. The Bidder shall be expected to agree to Terms and Conditions prior to commencement of services. If the Council wishes to accept your quotation, you will be contacted by the named Officer and a Purchase Order will be issued. The Purchase Order number must be quoted on all subsequent correspondence, including order acknowledgements, delivery notes and invoices. If you are not an existing supplier to the Council, you will be asked to complete a new supplier form prior to being issued a Purchase Order, so that you can be set-up on our database. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

8 months ago

Close date

7 months ago

Buyer information

Slough Borough Council

Archie Seth (SBC)

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