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CWC19067 Alternative Provision - Flexible Framework



20,000,000 GBP


The City of Wolverhampton Council is seeking to commission a range of AP providers which drive, support and improve pupils' engagement and inclusion whilst promoting choice and delivering best value for money. The aim is that there will be a range of provisions that can meet the diverse range of needs and circumstances of children and young people. The Service Model will be established as a rolling flexible framework under the Light Touch Regime as set out in the Public Contract Regulations 2015. The Framework will develop as required and it will re-open periodically to enable new providers who meet the evaluation criteria to join. Existing providers on the Framework will remain on the Framework under the provisions of their individual Framework Agreement and they will not be required to re-join at each round. This Framework will be accessible by both the City of Wolverhampton Council and state education providers in Wolverhampton (listed here). The Service Model consists of four lots: • Lot 1: Primary phase provision for permanently excluded pupils • Lot 2: Primary phase inclusion and engagement • Lot 3: Secondary phase provision for permanently excluded students • Lot 4: Secondary phase inclusion and engagement Providers can bid to deliver provisions across a single lot or multiple lots. Further information, including evaluation criteria can be found within Appendix 2: Instruction to Tender. This Framework will be initially for a 3 years duration, with an option to extend for a further 2 years. It will run from 01 September 2020 to 31 August 2023 (with an option to extend up to 31 August 2025).


Publish date

5 years ago

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5 years ago

Buyer information

Wolverhampton City Council

Yannick Mukendi

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