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Mobile Hardware Device Refresh and provision of related Services.



2,500,000 GBP


The requirement is for the procurement of replacement mobile phone handsets, tablets and accessories together with the roll out service associated with the device refresh. XC will also require an ongoing service that will consist of staging devices and the management of repair, replacements and beyond repair services. Lot 1: XC Trains Limited (XC) will be conducting a competitive tender under the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 for the purchase of mobile telephones and portable computer tablets together with associated accessories as a refresh/upgrade project for all devices currently used at XC Trains Limited. The tender will also include the requirement for the Supplier to develop and test XC Trains Limited device "Gold" build, the staging of the devices and the implementation and roll out services for the purchased hardware. Ongoing, the successful Supplier will be required to manage and maintain the devices and will be responsible for continued staging services and repair, replacement and beyond repair services. Approximate numbers of devices: • 1500 Android mobile telephones with 6.8 inch display • 800 computer tablets with 8 inch display • 150 computer tablets with 10 inch display • 20 iOS mobile telephones 6.3 inch display. Where an operating system has been specified this is a requirement due to interoperability with XC Trains Limited's applications that are to run on those devices and no alternative operating system can be accepted i.e. where Android is stated only devices with an Android operating system will be accepted. Note this tender is NOT for Mobile Voice and Data Services.


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a month ago

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2 days ago

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