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XC TRAINS LIMITED tenders and contracts

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SUNDERLAND, United Kingdom

XC TRAINS LIMITED tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 23 days ago

    Provision of Facilities Management Services

    time-iconClose date: 24/03/2025

    XC Trains Limited (XC) will be conducting a tender for the provision of a Facilities Management (FM) services. XC requires comprehensive FM service, covering 24 sites nationwide, from Plymouth in the South West to Edinburgh. A partnership approach is requ...

  • Open

    Published 26 days ago

    Provision of a Customer Experience Insight and Survey Feedback Solution

    time-iconClose date: 20/03/2025

    CrossCountry is seeking a supplier capable of providing an 'always-on' customer feedback survey solution, along with functionality for the presentation of live results and support with advanced ad hoc insights. The 'always-on' survey needs to be accessibl...

  • Open

    Published 26 days ago

    Supply of Ambient Meal solutions for First-Class offering

    price-tag-icon18,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 19/03/2025

    The requirement is for the supply of a range of ambient ready meal /snack products in accordance with requirements and standards which will be set out in the tender documentation. This will include the provision of packaging (which must list all mandatory...


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