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Pre-Procurement Market Engagement Questionnaire for the Provision of a Document Management and Workflow System



The Authority is reviewing options for the Revenues and Benefits Document Management and Workflow System. We are keen to understand the market and options for these areas. The purpose of the questionnaire is in part, to seek a better understanding of the challenges within your market and to enable us to tailor new contract/s to meet our objectives and create a more efficient provision. It is imperative that the Authority’s Document Management and Workflow System provides a simple and effective provision for its users, it must be easy to follow and presented in a logical procedural order so users are guided through the system in a series of steps. The user documentation should also include a training guide with examples of completed input screens and subsequent output reports. Where appropriate the user documentation should be divided into specific application modules. The Authority is engaging with potential Suppliers to seek views and feedback to the information provided and questionnaire. This is intended to be used to assist the Authority on deciding the next steps for the procurement of a document management and workflow system for Revenues and Benefits services which integrates with the current database, as well as support and maintenance. It is important to note that this is not an invitation to tender, it is strictly a pre-procurement Market Engagement Questionnaire, intended to capture market information via a Prior Information Notice (PIN). Lot 1: The Authority is reviewing options for the Revenues and Benefits Document Management and Workflow System. We are keen to understand the market and options for these areas. The purpose of the questionnaire is in part, to seek a better understanding of the challenges within your market and to enable us to tailor new contract/s to meet our objectives and create a more efficient provision. It is imperative that the Authority’s Document Management and Workflow System provides a simple and effective provision for its users, it must be easy to follow and presented in a logical procedural order so users are guided through the system in a series of steps. The user documentation should also include a training guide with examples of completed input screens and subsequent output reports. Where appropriate the user documentation should be divided into specific application modules. The Authority is engaging with potential Suppliers to seek views and feedback to the information provided and questionnaire. This is intended to be used to assist the Authority on deciding the next steps for the procurement of a document management and workflow system for Revenues and Benefits services which integrates with the current database, as well as support and maintenance. The current document management system provides the ability for internal business users to index documents, create and work through processes including creation of documents, and manage workflow. When implemented, the Revenues and Benefits Document Management and Workflow System will need to deliver multiple benefits, including, but not limited to: 1. The data storage and indexing systems shall be capable of extension to accommodate the total data storage and indexing requirements and the ability to be able to auto archive documents more than 6 years plus one year across all services, and be compliant with GDPR 2. The systems should be structured with a user hierarchy, which is closely linked to the document structure, and all index files shall be held in a database. 3. Both scanned and non-scanned documents will need to be handled by the document management system. A batch import should be available for non-scanned documents. Individual non-scanned documents should also be able to be imported into the system 4. It shall be possible to determine the location of any data file by inspection of the indexing database. Where an index points to a storage subsystem which determines the ultimate location of a data file, then it shall be possible to determine the location of that data file by inspection of the storage subsystem which shall also be in a database format. 5. The facility for creation and amendment of both users and documents needs to be quick and easy. 6. The system must allow for different authorisation levels for different individual users/teams, which can be set up and managed by the System Administrators. 7. The service must provide high levels of serviceability, availability and usability together with consistent response times for its on-line components. Time required for system maintenance and servicing should be kept to a minimum, with evenings and weekends providing the standard time within which to complete the work. 8. Control of access for individual users of the system should be set up by the system administrators. Users may be restricted to “view only” or “update” functions to specific areas and types of data held. So for example, a Benefit Officer may have access to view Council Tax files but no ability to update them, but no access whatsoever to non-domestic rate files. 9. It is vital that the system allows the Authority to set and amend certain parameters or customise certain variables to reflect the specific procedures and structures used within it e.g. accounting or staffing structures, reporting levels etc. The system should also have flexibility so that future amendments to any structures or procedures can take place easily without significant disruption, at any point during the year. 10. The software must be a true workflow product which is written using graphical maps and details of how your product is structured using these maps should be included and demonstrated to the Authority. 11. Suppliers must provide specifications for high volume and medium volume scanners to handle various volumes of scanning (including detailing the preferred make and model). 12. Facilities must be available to back up the system, in order to fully restore in the event of a system or electrical failure. Facilities should exist for the automatic controlled closing down of the system in the event of an electrical failure, by means of (uninterruptable power supply) UPS as appropriate. 13. Electronic Document Management system for the distribution, document management, and storage. The system should provide well proven systems to meet the objectives set out in this document for the Authority’s requirements. Workflow; that automates and manages processes ensuring the right steps are taken, work is passed to the right people and that the necessary standardisation is achieved. It is important to note that this is not an invitation to tender, it is strictly a pre-procurement Market Engagement Questionnaire, intended to capture market information via a Prior Information Notice (PIN). The Authority is unclear at present on its preferred route to market or the procurement process that may be utilised. The purpose of this Market Engagement Questionnaire is to: • Help inform and determine our procurement strategy and approach • Assist in the scoping of the requirement • Identify any innovative ideas • Identify options available • Identify likely financial commitment of a solution There are a number of questions within the Market Engagement Questionnaire for you to answer but it is not compulsory to answer all of them. We are happy to receive any feedback you wish to offer. Responses to the Market Engagement Questionnaire imply no commitment on Suppliers to engage in any subsequent procurement process, nor do they confer any advantaged status or guarantee of inclusion in any subsequent procurement process for Suppliers who do respond. The Authority reserves the right to withdraw this Market Engagement Questionnaire at any time and is not liable for any costs incurred as a result of Suppliers engaging with this process. Potential Suppliers are asked to answer the questions set out in the questionnaire (pp8-9 of "Pre-Procurement Market Engagement Questionnaire for the Provision of a Document Management and Workflow System"). This can be found on the Council's eTendering Portal Pro Contact. The link to the eTendering portal is and the reference number is DN750922. Please log in (or register if you do not have a log in) and the questionnaire will be available to download. Please upload your completed questionnaire to the portal by 05 December 2024, 14.00Hrs. Additional information: Completed questionnaires must be uploaded to the portal by 05 December 2024, 14.00Hrs. Please leave sufficient time to do this, as uploading times can vary depending on the file size. Documents must be uploaded in an Open Document format, and all attachments will ideally be Zipped in to one file. (Tip: Use PDF documents where possible to reduce file sizes). Please note: Organisations can upload / amend their response via the ProContract e-Tendering Portal at any time prior to the submission deadline. The response is secure and only visible to the organisation up until the closing deadline date / time at which point the system is locked to the organisation and contents become visible to the Council. PLEASE REMEMBER: This is not an Invitation to Tender (ITT) exercise. The Authority is intending to initiate a procurement process for the provision of document management and workflow system contract in Revenues and Benefits services to include the support and maintenance for the system as well as annual licenses, as well as integration with the existing Revenues and Benefits database in the future, but this pre-procurement Market Engagement Questionnaire is a call for information only. The Authority will consider the responses received and then consider its options. Please note that the date set out in II.3 is not certain and could be changed. Please note that the 'Type of Contract' as set out in II.1.3 says 'Supplies' but in fact it could be any combination/hybrid of goods/systems and/or services.


Publish date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Isle of Wight Council

Mrs Lucy Chandler

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