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ECMWF tenders and contracts

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ECMWF tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 3 days ago

    C3S2_414 Operational Copernicus Climate Change Agriculture Service

    time-iconClose date: 15/04/2025

    ECMWF, as the Entrusted Entity for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), invites tenders for developing an operational climate service at the global scale for the agriculture sector. ECMWF intends to award a single Framework Agreement for a period...

  • Open

    Published 9 days ago

    C3S2_375 Development of C3S Decadal Prediction Service

    time-iconClose date: 10/04/2025

    ECMWF, as the Entrusted Entity for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), invites tenders for developing or improving elements of infrastructure towards an operational decadal prediction service, targeting standardisation, quality control, timely pr...

  • Open

    Published 15 days ago

    CJS2_120_bis Website maintenance, support and update services

    time-iconClose date: 21/03/2025

    ECMWF as the European Commission’s entrusted Entity for operating Copernicus Climate Change Service and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, invites tenders to work with the ECMWF Copernicus Services’ Communications team by providing web services for...


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