Transformer Oil for Ukraine
300 t packages in drums. - Nynas Nytro 10XN - Nynas Nytro 11GX - Ergon HyVolt III - Shell Diala S4 ZX-I (Drum size of 200 - 250 liters) The barrels are to be delivered on one-way pallets without pallet exchange. Pallets must be included in the offered price. Lot 1: 300 t transformer oil 300 t packages in drums. - Nynas Nytro 10XN - Nynas Nytro 11GX - Ergon HyVolt III - Shell Diala S4 ZX-I (Drum size of 200 - 250 liters) The barrels are to be delivered on one-way pallets without pallet exchange. Pallets must be included in the offered price. Lot 2: 50 t transformer oil optional lot 300 t packages in drums. - Nynas Nytro 10XN - Nynas Nytro 11GX - Ergon HyVolt III - Shell Diala S4 ZX-I (Drum size of 200 - 250 liters) The barrels are to be delivered on one-way pallets without pallet exchange. Pallets must be included in the offered price.
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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