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AT1220 Intelligent Transport Systems for Traffic Signals Maintenance (Supply, Install & Maintain)



SWARCO UK and Ireland Limited


2,400,000 GBP


This procurement is a collaboration between the five Consortium members with Luton Borough Council acting as the lead Authority. The service is to be delivered initially across five geographic areas, being five separate authorities, each under a separate Call Off Contract. The five local authorities currently are;\r \r Bedford Borough Council (BBC)\r Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC)\r Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC)\r Luton Borough Council (LBC)\r Peterborough City Council (PCC)\r \r The contract is for the supply, installation and maintenance of Traffic Signals and\r Other Intelligent Transport Systems; except the installation of those supplied and installed through \r third party projects such as for new developments, which will require maintenance when added to \r the asset data. The Local Authority reserves the right to purchase equipment from a third party \r that can only be supplied by that third party in instances where the equipment must be compatible \r with the Local Authority's existing asset. This equipment will then be free issued to the Contractor \r for installation. For example, the supply of LED optics that are compatible with the Local \r Authority's existing asset and can only be supplied by one supplier. \r \r There may be a requirement for optional professional services in relation to traffic signal and intelligent transport systems such as signal design, design checks, factory acceptance testing, site acceptance testing and timing validation e.g. MOVA/SCOOT etc. This work is not guaranteed and there is no exclusivity within the contract. \r \r It is essential that the traffic signal asset be maintained to reduce the likelihood of failure and that any faults are rectified within the times specified. \r


Publish date

8 months ago

Award date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Luton Council

Caroline Sturman

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