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Roads and Infrastructure Maintenance and Improvement Services





450,000,000 GBP


North Lanarkshire Council (the 'Authority') has an ambitious vision to re-invent North Lanarkshire as the place to Live, Learn, Work, Invest and Visit. Through the Enterprise Project (the 'Project') an ambitious programme of regeneration and infrastructure investment, the Authority aims to implement a vision that enables inclusive growth and prosperity that will significantly improve the quality of life and wellbeing of North Lanarkshire’s communities. As part of the Project the Authority is seeking a Contractor to provide reactive maintenance, incident response services, routine maintenance, winter maintenance planning / delivery, network inspections, investment / improvement projects and programmes and other related work to the Authority's existing roads assets at scale, (the 'Affected Properties'). Lot 1: The Authority is proposing to establish a single Contract with a Contractor to provide the Services which shall include reactive maintenance, incident response services, routine maintenance, winter maintenance planning / delivery, network inspections, investment / improvement projects and programmes and other related work to the Authority's existing roads assets at scale, for a minimum contract term of 8 years, maximum contract term of 12 years including all extensions. The Contract is expected to drive efficiencies, bring innovation, deliver value for money and continuous improvement and contribute positive social impact proportionate to the scope and value of the contract to support the Authority in meeting and exceeding the Project objectives. The estimated contract value is 450m GBP over the full contract term (including all extensions) and is based on the Authority’s estimated future budgets. There is no guarantee of this level of business. Core Services to be provided will include inter alia delivery of roads Reactive Maintenance and Incident Response Services (Order Type A) and Routine Maintenance, Winter Maintenance Planning / Delivery, and Network Inspections (Order Type B). Core Projects & Programmes will include life cycle replacements of components of assets at scale (including but not limited to replacement of Carriageways & Car Parks, Footways, Footpaths, Pedestrian Areas, Other Paved Areas & Cycle Tracks, Structures, Street Lighting, Street Furniture, Traffic Management Systems, Land and Professional Services (Order Type C) and Other Related Work (Order Type D)). The Services will be delivered to the following asset types including but not limited to: Maintenance of carriageways and car parks, footpaths and pedestrian areas, street lighting and street furniture, maintaining land and specialist assets, structures and maintaining traffic management systems; Investments/Improvements – upgrade of carriageways, traffic calming measures, paved and pedestrian areas, new infrastructure for traffic management systems, upgrades/replacement of street scene/amenity furniture, street lighting, asset surveys and provision of consultancy and investigation professional services.


Publish date

8 months ago

Award date

8 months ago

Buyer information

North Lanarkshire Council


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