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Stale pre-tender

Higher education services



This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to notify the market that London Metropolitan University (LMU or the University) plans to procure a partner to support it to develop and deliver online distance learning courses. This PIN is also to notify the market that LMU plans to host market sounding meetings with potential suppliers to further develop its understanding of the market for online learning and to support development of LMU's specification. It is anticipated that the requirement may broadly include some or all of the following elements: content and curriculum development, technology and hosting provision, course marketing and student recruitment, student support and retention. The University is currently developing its specification and preferred operating model for this initiative and wishes to engage the market in support of the development of a solution and procurement process which deliver LMU's desired outcomes. LMU is particularly interested in understanding providers' interest in working with the University as an online distance learning partner, exploring different partnership models which could be used, hearing about any innovative solutions which could be deployed, and seeking feedback on possible procurement approaches. The University intends to run a market sounding exercise to support it to consider these areas. Please use the tender portal to register your interest in participating as set out in additional information, below. This will assist in maintaining the audit trail for this requirement. The process will include a written response to a series of market sounding questions and the opportunity to meet senior decision makers to introduce your organisation, to offer your views on the potential procurement and to outline your interest in this opportunity. These meetings will be held during week commencing 16.10.2017. Further information and questions will be available from 9 October to suppliers who register their interest. The PIN does not formally signify the beginning of any procurement and does not constitute a commitment by LMU to undertake any procurement exercise. Notwithstanding this, in the event that LMU decides to formally commence procurement pursuant to this PIN, a separate Contract Notice will be issued. Please register your interest to attend by 17:00 on 6th October. Due to capacity constraints, we are able to accommodate a maximum of 3 representatives from organisations for meetings and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Interested parties are required to register and express interest and to obtain further information via the University electronic tendering portal via the URL at section 1. Registration and use of the portal is free of charge and places suppliers under no obligation to participate.


Publish date

8 years ago

Buyer information

London Metropolitan University

Strategic Procurement Unit

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