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Higher education services



London Metropolitan University (LMU or the University) is developing a specification and preferred operating model for this initiative and wishes to engage providers in support of the development of a solution to present to market that will deliver LMU's desired outcomes. The OPM will deliver online distance learning courses in collaboration with the newly established London Met Global Online (LMGO) function. This PIN is to notify the market that LMU plans to host a supplier event on the 29.6.2018 at which we will outline our plans and discuss the current iteration of the specification. A presentation will be delivered by the Director of London Met Global Online and there will be an opportunity for potential OPM partners to ask questions and make suggestions. Please register your interest in attending this event by visiting the url in Section 1 and attaching your company to the Project Reference LMU2018/LMGO/OPM. Please note: registering for this specific Project is ESSENTIAL, even if you have previously registered for the Market Sounding projects held in late 2017. The OPM requirement current includes the following elements: — Market analysis: Identify target markets globally. Identify product development opportunities which make best use of LMGO’s and the OPM’s combined capabilities in terms of course delivery, marketing and recruitment for each market sector. — Portfolio strategy: Work with the LMGO leadership team to develop an integrated course publication and recruitment strategy having a 3 – 5-year outlook. — Marketing: Development of marketing strategy. A tactical marketing plan shall be agreed including campaigns, events, social media, Web presence and content marketing for each programme launch. The partner will also execute these plans. — Student recruitment: The partner will perform all recruitment activity for LMGO to achieve University targets. In September 2017, London Metropolitan University (LMU or the University) published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) on the Official Journal of the European Union (reference 2017/S 187-382833). The PIN informed the market of the University's plans to procure the services of an Online Programme Management (OPM) provider and sought input to the delivery model. Since the preliminary market engagement events, the University has appointed a Director of Global Online and has made significant progress in the development of the initiative. The University is now ready to consult the market a final time as the development of the specification and operating model approaches its conclusion. The University is therefore hosting a market event at our Holloway Campus on the 29.6.2018 at which we will outline our plans, discuss the current iteration of the specification and the outline proposed procurement process. A presentation will be delivered by the Director of LMGO and potential OPM partners will have an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions. Please register your interest in attending this event by visiting the url in Section 1 and attaching your company to the Project Reference LMU2018/LMGO/OPM. Please note: registering for this specific Project is essential, even if you have previously registered for the Market Sounding projects held in late 2017. By way of an overview, The OPM will deliver online distance learning courses in collaboration with the newly established London Met Global Online (LMGO) function. The OPM requirement is likely to include the following elements: — Market analysis: Identify target markets globally. Identify product development opportunities which make best use of LMGO’s and the OPM’s combined capabilities in terms of course delivery, marketing and recruitment for each market sector. — Portfolio strategy: Work with the LMGO leadership team to develop an integrated course publication and recruitment strategy having a 3 – 5-year outlook. — Marketing: Development of marketing strategy. A tactical marketing plan shall be agreed including campaigns, events, social media, Web presence and content marketing for each programme launch. The partner will also execute these plans. — Student recruitment: The partner will perform all recruitment activity for LMGO to achieve University targets.


Publish date

7 years ago

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London Metropolitan University


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