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Local Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (LEVCI) for BCP and Dorset Councils



Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council and Dorset Council are inviting tenders from suitably qualified Service Providers to supply, install, operate and maintain Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) in the BCP and Dorset Council area. Lot 1: Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council and Dorset Council are inviting tenders from suitably qualified Service Providers to supply, install, operate and maintain Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) in the BCP Council area. BCP Council has been awarded LEVI funding of £1.447m capital (provisional) and Dorset Council has been awarded LEVI funding of £2.490m capital (provisional) subject to conditions. The Authorities are seeking to enter a Public Private Commercial Partnership (via a concession contract) to deliver this project. The Authorities will use the LEVI funding as a capital investment to cover costs associated with the installation of 7kw on-street residential charge points. The Authority’s strategy is to see these sites delivered through commercial investment. The risk and responsibility associated with installation, maintenance, operations, and asset utilisation will lie with the Concessionaire, who will be expected to finance the capital with the contribution of LEVI funding and replacement costs of the charging infrastructure themselves. The DfT OZEV has provided a clear instruction to Local Authorities that it expects a minimum funding contribution by the Concessionaire to be greater than 60% of the LEVI subsidy. The duration of the Contract will be fifteen (15) years. There is the potential for an extension on the same terms for administrative constraints of one year, without a commitment to extend, at the discretion of the Authorities. We are conducting a joint tender between Dorset and BCP with the intention to award to a single supplier under two separate contracts made between each Authority and the Concessionaire. This tender is being conducted under the Concession Contract Regulations 2016 (the "2016 Regulations"). Additional information: All documentation for this opportunity is available on . Any expressions of interest must be made through this portal unless otherwise instructed. You will need to register on the site to submit a bid. Registering is free of charge.


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Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council


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