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Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust - Provision of Waste Management Services



250,000 GBP


The proposed contract will be for a provision of waste management services to the Trust in accordance with this service specification and the associated tender documents. The initial 3-year contract term will be from 1st February 2025 with the option to extend for 2 further 1-year extensions. Lot 1: The proposed contract will be for a provision of waste management services to the Trust in accordance with this service specification and the associated tender documents. The initial 3-year contract term will be from 1st February 2025 with the option to extend for 2 further 1-year extensions. The Trust is seeking an efficient, high quality waste management service that fully complies with Educational environmental objectives to reduce the environmental impact of waste services, meet government targets for recycling and reduce waste to landfill sites. The Contract covers the following categories of waste streams. a. General Waste (landfill) b. Recycled Waste (paper, cardboard, plastics, glass) c. Food Waste (compostable) In order to meet the Trust’s requirements, the Contractor shall: a. Demonstrate a proactive approach that will aim to reduce general waste to landfill collections with the aim of achieving zero waste to landfill across all sites. b. Hold the appropriate Waste Carrier licences to allow them to carry out the waste management service for the Trust. Contractors shall provide copies of the licences as part of the tender submission. Licences of the Contractor will remain valid for the duration of the Contract; any licences found to be out of date or deemed invalid will result in the removal of the Contractor from the contract. c. Have in place an appropriate recycling and waste management strategy for the contract. This will include but not be limited to; systems for waste segregation and minimisation, re-use, recycling and disposal. d. Provide wheelie bins, skips, containers as necessary to facilitate the storage and removal of all specified waste streams. Ancillary items must be included within the pricing schedule. Details of items to be used during the Contract shall be provided as part of your tender submission. e. Be aware Information on historical volumes for all waste streams are provided within Document 5. Tender Response - Price Offer Form. f. Be required to work with the Trust’s Premises Managers to Improve the levels of recycling in the Trust to ensure that the optimum level of waste material is recycled, sustainability targets are met and best value for money is achieved.


Publish date

6 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust

Sharon Perkins

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