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Traffic, Travel and Transport Data Collection Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for Transport Scotland 2021-2024/5



TRACSIS TRAFFIC DATA LIMITED, Nationwide Data Collection Limited, Streetwise Services Ltd


3,000,000 GBP


Transport Scotland has identified an on-going need for the services of experienced consultants in relation to the collection of traffic, travel and transport data. Transport Scotland, on behalf of Scottish Ministers, wishes to progress a procurement competition for a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement. The Framework Agreement will last a duration of 3 years with a 1-year extension option. Lot 1: The scope of services for this framework centre around traditional and contemporary methods of collecting traffic, travel and transport data which will include physical collection of live data and provision of historical datasets. The outline services required may include, but shall not be limited to, the following tasks: a) Provision of temporary automatic traffic counters; b) Vehicle counts (manual and video); c) Vehicle occupancy counts (e.g. Bus, Car, Train, Ferry, Air, etc.); d) Journey time data (including video and GPS) e) Car parking data (e.g. occupancy and duration of stay); f) Surveys; g) Overtaking and platooning data (e.g. using Automatic Number Plate Recognition or Bluetooth) h) Origin and Destination data (e.g. using Automatic Number Plate Recognition or Bluetooth); i) Queue Length data (including manual and video); j) Roadside interview surveys; k) Public Transport interview surveys; l) Household Travel interview surveys; m) Business Travel interview surveys; and n) Collation of data obtained from counters and other surveys or datasets.


Award date

a year ago

Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

Transport Scotland

Stephen Cragg

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