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Non Franchised Bus and DRT Services



15,000,000 GBP


Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) wishes to implement a DPS from which TfGM will procure Subsidised Services including but not limited to: Network Bus Services, Subsidised Bus Services, Resource Contracts, Demand Response contracts and Metroshuttle contracts. The DPS will provide TfGM with a selection of qualified operators to supply tendered services in areas where there is a social need that is not served by the commercial bus network. With this being a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) there is no guarantee of any specific amount or type of work being allocated to any of the operators (including the Highest Scoring Supplier). Please note the tender documents will be made available at from the 21st November 2024. All contracts awarded under the DPS will follow further competitions which will commence early 2025. Only qualified operators that are on the DPS will be invited to participate. Lot 1: Events - Electronic Ticket Machine (ETM) (ETM required) - provision of 1 or more Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000 and Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information) Regulations 2023 (PSVAR) (where applicable) compliant buses on a specified day or limited number of specified dates, at different times of the day, where an ETM is required (generally from a single origin to single destination and return). Lot 2: Events, Electronic Ticket Machine (ETM NOT required) - provision of 1 or more Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000 and Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information) Regulations 2023 (PSVAR) (where applicable) compliant buses or coaches on a specified day or limited number of specified dates, at different times of the day, where an ETM (Electronic Ticket Machine) is NOT required (generally from a single origin to single destination and return). Lot 3: Replacement Services - provision of 1 or more Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000 and Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information) Regulations 2023 (PSVAR) (where applicable) compliant buses or coaches on a specified day or limited number of specified dates, at different times of the day, where an ETM (Electronic Ticket Machine) is NOT required to replace Metrolink or rail services (generally between Station A and Station B via a number of intermediate points). Lot 4: DRT Services - provision of 1 or more Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000 and Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information) Regulations 2023 (PSVAR) (where applicable) compliant minibuses for provision of Demand Responsive Transport services for a specific contract period within specified zones of Greater Manchester in conjunction with the TfGM booking, scheduling and dispatch centre.


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3 months ago

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in 6 years

Buyer information

Transport for Greater Manchester

Mr Kirk Boulton

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