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Evaluation and Learning Partner & Peer Research and Peer Network for the PRU / AP Mentoring Programme



Living Proof Ltd, Centre for Evidence & Implementation


229,725.3 GBP


Requirement: As an evidence-based organisation, the VRU uses research and analysis to help inform our decisions and work. This involves conducting or commissioning research and evaluation to help understand how commissioned services are working, and whether services are delivering the results we expect. The VRU are seeking one or multiple partners to deliver Lot 1: Evaluation and Learning Partner and Lot 2: Peer Research and Pilot Young People Peer Network for the VRU PRU / AP Mentoring Programme. Prospective providers may bid for only one Lot, or both. Summary of Lots: -Lot 1: Evaluation and Learning Partner- Evaluating the reach and impact of the PRU/ AP Mentoring Programme, what works, sharing good practice and fostering collaboration. -Lot 2: Peer Research and Pilot Young People Peer Network - Training young people as Peer Researchers and supporting them to conduct research with their peers in London PRUs and APs, amplifying the voices of young people in PRUs/APs and testing a peer network model. If two separate providers are appointed to Lot 1 and Lot 2, they will need to work together to incorporate youth voice within the Lot 1 evaluation process. Background: VRU's Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) / Alternative Provision (AP) Mentoring Programme provides one-to-one support for young people aged 11-18 who have been excluded from secondary school or are at risk of exclusion. The programme is intended to support children and young people who: -Are studying in PRUs/APs in London -Are transitioning between PRU/AP and mainstream settings -Are transitioning from PRU/AP to further education and training (e.g. during their first year of FE college) -Are at risk of permanent exclusion (if in mainstream school) - Are in secondary education - aged 11-18 years The programme can also mentor the families of these children and young people. 2,200 young people in all 32 boroughs at just over 40 settings will receive mentoring support during September 2024-August 2026. We are looking for an Evaluation and Learning Partner and a Peer Research and Pilot Young People Peer Network for the programme. How to Apply: The maximum budget over 21 months is £160,000 excl VAT for Lot 1 and £70,000 excl VAT for Lot 2 Further information can be found in the bidder pack for this tender. You can access and download a copy of the bidder pack from the Delta esourcing portal by following this link An information session will be held on 6th Aug at 2-3.30pm via Microsoft Teams. You can sign up to attend via Eventbrite here. Please submit all clarification questions via the Delta esourcing portal. The clarification deadline is 6th Sept by 4pm Please submit your response via the Delta esourcing portal. The submission deadline for this tender is 20th Sept 2024 by 12pm


Award date

2 months ago

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a day ago

Buyer information

Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)


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