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Ribston Hall High School ~ Cleaning Tender



840,000 GBP


The successful Supplier will be required to provide cleaning services for Ribston Hall High School. Lot 1: The successful Supplier will be required to provide cleaning services for Ribston Hall High School. The contract will commence on 1 August 2025 for a period of three years, with the potential for an extension of up to a further three years on a 1 + 1 + 1 basis. This contract will be fixed price in nature with the successful Supplier also guaranteeing the number of input hours to the contract as well as the quality of cleaning provision. Whilst the monthly charge will represent one-twelfth of the contract cost, a reconciliation will take place monthly to reconcile the actual hours worked within the contract. If the hours worked are less than those budgeted for a credit will be required by the school. This credit will be calculated by dividing the annual contract cost (fixed cost) by the number of annual input hours to arrive at a contractual cost per hour, this will then be multiplied by the number of hours due to arrive at the fiscal credit. The school requires that the tendered number of hours are always worked, and the successful contractor is expected to have a system in place to cover for both planned and unplanned leave. The basis and rationale that the Client requires is for the successful contractor to operate to always is being able to provide clean School that is fit for purpose and that the Contractor is proactive in the management of the contract, thus ensuring that all output specifications are achieved and that the required frequency of cleans is delivered. The tender project is seeking to appoint a Contractor whose initiative and innovation will be welcomed for the provision of services. The high-quality service levels proposed, and should maintain excellent standards throughout, resulting in a clean and pleasant environment for students, staff and visitors within all the school consistently. It should be noted that the successful contractor will be expected to bring to the contract: innovation; new equipment; and cleaning methods, with BIC’S standards being achieved, as a minimum, thus ensuring that the highest levels of cleanliness are maintained in all areas at all times and also ensuring that the productivity of the cleaning operatives is enhanced moving forward into the new contract term. The successful contractor will be expected to put forwards both innovation and their proposals for making this contract more environmentally sensitive and carbon neutral moving into this contract term both by way of contract delivery, and within the successful contractor’s organisation, thus working to deliver the schools environmental polices We are seeking a suitably experienced Supplier who has current experience of working within the secondary school or HE / FE marketplace, ideally with a strong operational base within Central England, thus allowing for both adequate contract support and operational flexibility that is to be delivered to support the contract as and when needed during the contract term. A robust level of management support must be provided by the successful contractor to ensure that the detailed specification is delivered within the contract on a consistent basis within the contract period. The scope of the contract covers all the cleaning provision within the school including all holiday and periodic cleans. The successful Supplier will be expected to deliver a concise and detailed method of management reporting at the end of each month, thus updating the senior management team within Ribston Hall High School on the contract performance. The budgeted cost of cleaning for this contractual year is circa £140,000.00.


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Ribston Hall High School


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