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Marlow Education Trust ~ Cleaning Tender



1,535,850 GBP


The successful Supplier will be required to provide Cleaning services for Marlow Education Trust at the following Schools: Lot 1: The successful Supplier will be required to provide Cleaning services for Marlow Education Trust at the following Schools: Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School West Street, Marlow SL7 2BR Beechview Academy Guinions Road, High Wycombe, HP13 7NT Great Marlow School Bobmore Lane, Marlow, SL7 1JE About Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School This school marked its 400th-anniversary last year and is a prestigious secondary grammar school with a long-standing legacy dating back to 1624. The school proudly occupies its original structures but has grown significantly over the years with the addition of supplementary buildings. The most recent addition to the school's impressive facilities is a state-of-the-art sports hall completed in 2021. Additionally, the main dining area and kitchens have been refurbished, and a new dining area has been constructed specifically for sixth-form students. With excellent facilities, the school offers high-quality teaching and learning across the curriculum, with a strong focus on extracurricular programs such as sports, dance, drama, and musical theatre. The school is mixed gender with approximately 1100 students aged between 11 to 18. (Year 7 to sixth-form). For further information, visit the school website at Home - Sir William Borlase's Grammar School ( Beechview Academy Beechview is a small Junior school located in east High Wycombe primarily focusing on Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6). Since joining the Trust in 2016, it has had significant investment in transforming the facilities of the school. The school has approximately 172 pupils. For further information, visit the school website at Home | Beechview Academy Great Marlow School Is a large secondary school in Marlow that continues to grow and is in a position to be an oversubscribed school of choice. Since 2015, and with the support of local authority funding, there has been an extensive building program. This includes new performing arts facilities, and a stunning two-storey block adjacent to the hall, which contains seven new classrooms and a revamped school entrance. At the same time, the size of the dining facilities has been doubled. The school is mixed-gender, with approximately 1,450 students aged 11 to 18, of which 250 are sixth-formers. For further information, visit the school website at Great Marlow School Basis of Contract The Trust is initiating a tender process to appoint an experienced cleaning contractor who brings initiative and innovation to deliver cleaning services across its schools. As the Trust continues to grow, it seeks a bidder who has the potential to expand alongside it. Therefore, the Trust is looking for a high-quality service that maintains excellent standards, creating a pleasant environment for both students and staff at all schools within the Trust. The basis and rationale that the Client requires the successful contractor to operate at all times, is being able to provide a service to the Schools that is fit for purpose and that the Contractor is proactive in the management of the contract, thus ensuring that all specifications are achieved and that the frequency of cleans is as detailed within the Tender Specification. See SQ Document for more information


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