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Fire Consultant



5,930,364 GBP


Fire Consultant design services for workstreams CH1 / CH2 / CH3 / BP1 / AC1 (which are 5nr workstreams out of an anticipated 15nr workstreams for the Capital Programme) Additional information: The workstreams are subject to funding being secured along with planning permission and listed building consent being obtained. The works will be signed off to proceed at each RIBA works stage subject to these variables. Addendum 1 - Q1 Please issue alternative format for the ITT A1 No alternative format of the ITT is available Q2 Ref ITT question 7.3 we will not be subcontracting any work. Could you confirm that it will be ok to answer as N/A for that response. A2 If no works are to be subcontracted we have no objection to this being answered as N/A Addendum 2 - Project plan expanded programme included to inform timelines for RIBA stages Addendum 3 Q1 Where the scope of services requests a 'fire strategy report' for the blocks, it is understood this refers to the Snape Maltings Concert Hall, the Britten Pears Building and the accommodation blocks (Snape Rooms and Elizabeth Court only). Does the client request fire strategy input to the areas which are changing in use; or is this a full holistic review of the building, including existing conditions. A1 Yes the request relates to the Concert Hall, Britten Pears Building, Snape Rooms (AC1) and Elizabeth Court (AC3). It identifies the need to establish the current fire strategy for each location, identify if it needs addressing as a result of the proposed alteration works to each building and determining the fire strategy for the change of use (which applies only to Snape Rooms). Q2 Where the scope of services requests a 'review of the sprinkler system'; does the client request a high-level review of the proposed system (i.e., category, coverage area to ensure it is suitable for the Fire Strategy); or a detailed review of all design drawings and specification of the system. A2. A sprinkler system is already in place in the Concert Hall and the requirement is to assess how the proposed works affect it and the need to alter to comply with the fire strategy. This may include design drawings and specification for input in to a tender.


Publish date

8 months ago

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7 months ago

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Britten Pears Arts

Ken Baines

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