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Consultancy Services to provide expert and technical advice for environmental assessments



Provide expert advice to the Environment Advisory Unit (EAU) regarding the statutory assessment of Screening Reports for Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Appropriate Assessments (AA) submitted for offshore geophysical, environmental, and seismic survey consent applications, as well as exploratory drilling applications for natural gas and oil exploration and production activities. prepare written reports on te screening determination for EIA and/or AA as well as expert advice on the full determinatin for EIA and Stage 2 AA is necessary. Provide expert advice on environmental aspects of the consent process, including reviewing and reporting on the Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment reports submitted in support of geophysical, environmental, and seismic survey applications, as well as applications to undertake offshore exploration drilling and site surveys. Determine whether the applicant has provided sufficient information to allow the EAU to make a screening determination decision based on the scope and quality requirements set out or implied by applicable EU and Irish legislation and guidelines. . In cases where the required information has not been included in the application, the successful tenderer will need to provide advice in the form of a written report outlining the additional information required to allow the determination to be made. Provide expert advice to the Environment Advisory Unit (EAU) regarding the statutory assessment of Screening Reports for Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Appropriate Assessments (AA) submitted for offshore geophysical, environmental, and seismic survey consent applications, as well as exploratory drilling applications for natural gas and oil exploration and production activities. prepare written reports on te screening determination for EIA and/or AA as well as expert advice on the full determinatin for EIA and Stage 2 AA is necessary. Provide expert advice on environmental aspects of the consent process, including reviewing and reporting on the Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment reports submitted in support of geophysical, environmental, and seismic survey applications, as well as applications to undertake offshore exploration drilling and site surveys. Determine whether the applicant has provided sufficient information to allow the EAU to make a screening determination decision based on the scope and quality requirements set out or implied by applicable EU and Irish legislation and guidelines. . In cases where the required information has not been included in the application, the successful tenderer will need to provide advice in the form of a written report outlining the additional information required to allow the determination to be made.


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Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications

Department of the Environment Climate and Communications

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