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Racking for Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs)



10,000,000 GBP


Yorkshire Water (YWS) invites expressions of interest from suppliers to provide racking services for its fleet of light commercial vehicles (LCVs). The contract will serve as the primary means of selecting suppliers to install racking in designated LCVs over the agreement's duration. Lot 1: Procurement Scope Yorkshire Water (YWS) invites expressions of interest from suppliers to provide racking services for its fleet of light commercial vehicles (LCVs). The contract will serve as the primary means of selecting suppliers to install racking in designated LCVs over the agreement's duration. Quantities and values mentioned in this or related documents are indicative only. YWS makes no commitment to any specific quantities, even if a bidder is successful and enters into an agreement. The successful bidder(s) will work with YWS to deliver racking solutions for different categories of LCVs - small, medium, large, and pick-up. The initial contract term is five years (2025-2030), with an option to extend for up to two additional years (5 + 2). The estimated total contract value (excluding VAT) is £10,000,000. Procurement Process 1. Expression of Interest (EOI) Submit a notification to participate in the tender via email to Pedro Martins at 2. Selection Questionnaire (SQ) Upon receipt of an EOI, a pre-qualification questionnaire (pass/fail) will be issued via SAP Ariba, where bidders must be registered. Bidders not meeting the minimum criteria will be excluded at this stage, though they may have the opportunity to resubmit. 3. Invitation To Tender (ITT) Bidders who pass the Selection Questionnaire stage will undergo further assessment from commercial and qualitative perspectives for each lot they intend to bid on. Tender documents and scoring criteria will be issued via SAP Ariba. 4. Award Successful bidder(s) will receive work in tranches throughout the agreement term via call-off orders. These orders will detail the number of vehicles, required racking solutions, and any technical specifications. Notes: - YWS unconditionally reserves the right to suspend or cancel this procurement process at its sole discretion and without liability. - YWS unconditionally reserves the right to cancel, merge, or amend any lot and/or to make no award under this procurement process.


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd

Pedro Martins

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