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CHP Combined Heat and Power Engine Repair and Maintenance Services



35,000,000 GBP


Yorkshire Water are looking to secure an arrangement with 1-2 Suppliers for the supply of services relating to the repair and maintenance of Yorkshire Water's Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine fleet. This contract plays a key role in the delivery of Yorkshire Water's Energy and Generation Strategy and we wish to work collaboratively with the successful bidder(s) to achieve our energy generation targets, while mitigating engine downtime and the purchase of alternative energy when not producing energy required. Express interest by emailing - after which you will be added to the Ariba event to view the procurement documents and complete Supplier Selection. If you are not registered on Ariba, you will be invited to register. Suppliers will be added to the event from week commencing 14th October onwards, until the expiration of the contract notice. Lot 1: Yorkshire Water's CHP engine estate is currently made up of 27 engines fuelled by sewage gas, across 5 OEMs and 13 sites. The engine estate may be subject to change across the contract. The duration of the proposed Contract Opportunity is an initial term of 3 years + optional extensions of 2 years, 1 year, 1 year and 1 year thereafter for a total duration of 8 years. Express interest by emailing - after which you will be added to the Ariba event to view the procurement documents and complete Supplier Selection. If you are not registered on Ariba, you will be invited to register. Suppliers will be added to the event from week commencing 14th October onwards, until the expiration of the contract notice. The requirement includes but is not limited to the following key services: Planned maintenance: - Planning, scheduling and delivery of regular maintenance activities including but not limited to: - Minor and major engine overhauls - Engine servicing - Oil sampling - Engine tuning - Emissions testing - Using performance trends, engine data and inspections to plan, schedule and deliver maintenance to improve engine condition, output and uptime Reactive maintenance - Reactive repair and maintenance of engines experiencing issues or breakdowns to maximise engine uptime and output - Emergency repair of critical engine issues Engine monitoring and data analysis: - Remote monitoring of engine performance to inform the planned and reactive repair & maintenance schedule - Analysis of performance data and trends to proactively address issues and ensure maximum engine output Supply of replacement parts: - Independently source and supply all parts required for the repair and maintenance of the engines Compliance with environmental standards: - To ensure that Yorkshire Water complies with the Environment Agency standards with regards to emissions and flaring biogas


Publish date

6 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd

Joe Wood

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