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YAS 140 2024_25 Mental Health Nurse on Mental Health Response Vehicle



As part of the trust’s Mental Health Programme, looking to contract B6 Mental Health professionals to support our Mental Health Response Vehicles (MHRV). This will be a 6 month pilot in Hull. Lot 1: As part of the trust’s Mental Health Programme, looking to contract B6 Mental Health professionals to support our Mental Health Response Vehicles (MHRV). This will be a 6 month pilot in Hull. Additional information: The overarching objectives for this service are to:<br/>• Provide parity of esteem to mental health patients, ensuring their physical and mental health needs are assessed and treated.<br/>• Ensure that patients receive the right care in the right place, first time.<br/>• Promote collaboration and integration across the Mental Health and Urgent & Emergency Care Services.<br/>• Appropriately redirect the flow of mental health patients away from the Emergency Department (ED). Examples of alternative referral pathways may include conveyance to a crisis café, referral to a mental health crisis pathway or self-care advice. <br/>• Better patient, staff, and referrer experience by ensuring a reduction in duplicate assessments and avoiding unnecessary conveyances to the Emergency Department<br/>• Appropriately reduce the time emergency services (including Police) and other Health Care Professionals (HCPs) spend dealing with members of the community experiencing a mental health crisis.<br/>• For YAS staff to gain on scene and remote support and advice from an appropriately trained mental health professional about mental health, intervention options and available services.<br/>• To promote shared multi-professional learning amongst mental health professionals and pre-hospital clinicians. <br/>• Reduce S136 detentions through the use of de-escalation techniques and encouraging voluntary conveyance / treatment at an appropriate place of care. <br/>• Ensure that police have access to mental health professional advice to apply appropriate s136 detentions and conveyance with dignity to a place of safety and care.


Publish date

2 months ago

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Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Alice Hall

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