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Eurasian Beaver Online Citizen Science Toolkit (DCNR Project)



Oxford Oracle


Invitation to Quote (ITQ) – Citizen Science Pack 1. Sell to Wales (S2W) Tender The North Wales Wildlife Trust wishes to appoint an independent, professional contractor to produce an Online Citizen Science Pack to support engagement and citizen science activities as part of the Dyfi Catchment Natural Restoration Project. This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 – ENRaW Scheme, funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government. You are invited to submit your proposal and detailed quotation to supply the requirements in this Invitation to Quote (ITQ) below. Your completed proposal and quote must be submitted via Sell 2 Wales by 5:00 PM on Monday 5 December 2022. (The successful contractor will be informed by 5:00 PM on 12 December 2022). This contract will continue throughout the project delivery from the start date, with the Citizen Science Toolkit available as an online resource by the end of May 2023. Your proposal may be rejected if we do not receive it by this deadline. The following specific task to produce the Citizen Science toolkit is proposed: ● Support with the project’s key objectives, outcomes and indicative targets to deliver awareness, engagement and activities with local communities to produce an online Citizen Science Pack. 2. You will be required to: ● Understand the project’s aims, objectives, and outcomes and develop a Citizen Science Pack (a key output of the Project) that can be used as an online toolkit of resources. ● Explore the potential of citizen science to solve environmental concerns in the Dyfi Catchment. ● Identify relevant issues that interest citizens to ensure that people are engaged with the project. ● Map existing interested parties and build a community of people who are curious about the project, are affected by the selected issues, and are keen to be involved more actively, thereby collaborating towards a solution. ● Co-design the pack to enable an interactive experience in designing a brand-new collaborative bottom-up intervention and as an aide to the projects existing participatory study. ● Produce an innovative toolkit, drawing together a wide range of citizen science resources that will give people knowledge and a study protocol, including information such as the type of data to be collected and the methods and tools to collect them. ● Ensure the toolkit is available as an open resource through the North Wales Wildlife Trust’s website, with inspiring materials that can be easily downloaded. ● Provide a range of ideas for citizen science activities that are inclusive for long, medium- and short-term study that will help the Project to obtain reliable and high-quality results. ● Brief NWWT staff, partners, volunteers and the local Beaver Rangers on the availability of the online Citizen Science Toolkit and the benefits of the package for data capture to support the project now and in the future. ● Consider the tools required to collect relevant data and ensure they are user-friendly and can be used confidently. ● Assist NWWT with engaging and involving people in successfully deploying the toolkit. ● Test the toolkit and assess the impact of the pilot at different levels. This will include reflection on what goals were achieved and to what extent, and any other expected or unexpected (positive and negative) outcomes. ● Develop a strategy for disseminating the toolkit, citizen action and legacy beyond the end of the project. ● Design and produce online materials that follow the Wildlife Trust’s Brand Style Guide. (Note: Your quote will need to include any necessary licence fees for using fonts required to adhere to the Wildlife Trusts typography style). ● Follow the Trust’s Brand Style Guide to provide inspiring graphic illustrations, photographs and a short film (licenses permitting) or animation that can be used to complement the Citizen Scienc


Award date

2 years ago

Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

North Wales Wildlife Trust

Adrian Lloyd Jones

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