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Mandatory Dental Services (MDS) in Portsmouth and Havant - MDS5C3



NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight (HIOW) Integrated Care Board (ICB) are seeking providers who have the capability and capacity to deliver Mandatory Dental Services (MDS) in Portsmouth and Havant. The procurement is divided into the following Lots: MDS 5C3-1: Havant - Waterlooville (21,000 UDAs) MDS 5C3-2: Havant (30,000 UDAs) MDS 5C3-3: North Portsmouth (27,000 UDAs) MDS 5C3-4: South Portsmouth (27,000 UDAs) MDS 5C3-5: Portsmouth (27,000 UDAs) Interested parties may bid for a maximum of two Lots. The aims for MDS provision are to: • contribute to improving oral and general health; • reduce inequalities in health and access to dental care by providing extra support to groups of vulnerable adults and children. This includes, but is not limited to, children under 5 years old, residents of care homes, other vulnerable groups and patients weighing up to 227kg (35 stones and 10.45 lbs); • provide access to NHS dental services to ensure equity and consistency of provision; • provide bookable appointments outside of core hours; • deliver appropriate, efficient and cost-effective services within the service; • provision framework of the NHS (General Dental Services/Personal Dental Services) Regulations 2005 and any subsequent revisions; • provide high quality dental services; • provide access within contracted hours to un-associated patients identified as having an urgent dental need via NHS 111, NHS Dental Helpline, out of hours services and self-referral; • refer patients to other NHS services as appropriate in line with the relevant local protocols and guidance; • establish a positive working relationship between the Commissioner and Provider to facilitate and maximise high quality service delivery; • prioritise Looked after Children (LAC); • develop services in line with the evolving strategic approach to primary care dental provision and align with the priorities of the NHS Long Term Plan -; • promote overall health in line with Making Every Contact Count; • keep availability of appointments up to date on ; • comply with recall intervals, in line with NICE Guidelines (CG19). The contracts will be for a term of up to circa 117 months. Services are due to commence from between 21st July 2025 and 19th January 2026. The maximum total contract values are as follows: MDS 5C3-1: £6,812,914 MDS 5C3-2: £9,732,735 MDS 5C3-3: £9,188,795 MDS 5C3-4: £9,188,795 MDS 5C3-5: £9,188,795 The Commissioner will be contracting for the services using the Standard clauses for a Personal Dental Services agreement. Interested parties who wish to take part in the procurement are invited to take part in an Invitation to Tender (ITT) process, based on the competitive (open) procedure and designed to identify the most economically advantageous tender and therefore determine the incoming provider. All ITT responses must be returned by 12 noon on 21st March 2025, at the latest. Additional information: Interested providers will be able to view this opportunity via the live opportunities list on the 'Health Family' e-procurement system, Atamis. Click on 'View our Live Opportunities' from the home page, available on the following link: Once you have found the opportunity (via the search function, using the title or reference number), to gain full access to the bid documentation (including questionnaires), you will need to click on 'Register interest' - this will take you to the log-in page. If you are not already registered on the system, you will need to do so before gaining full access to the documentation and be able to submit a bid. An early engagement market notice was published in relation to this procurement in December 2024, in order to facilitate early engagement with potential providers. Please note that this previous notice was an information gathering exercise rather than a call for competition in its own right. Although those who responded to that notice may be advised that this contract notice has been published, there will be no process exemptions or preferential treatment afforded to any parties who expressed an interest at that stage. This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.


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NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit

Hannah Morley

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