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Gas network equipment



10,000,000 EUR


The Framework Agreement concerns purchase of BMR-stations (Biogas Measuring and Regulating Stations). The stations are to be used for the injection of biogas into the 4 barg natural gas net or the 7 barg natural gas grid. The Framework Agreement contains 3 types of BMR-stations with flow rates of 1 500, 4 000 and 6 000 Nm3/h. The supplier’s scope of supply includes engineering, manufacturing, installation, testing and commissioning. Some parts which are to be installed by the supplier in the BMR-stations are supplied by the Contracting authority – it concerns the following parts: flow computer, client Interface PLC, Router/Modem/ADSL. The Contracting authority supplies and installs the following parts of the BMR-stations: analyzing unit, PC/workstation and turbine meter. All other parts of the BMR-stations are to be delivered and installed by the supplier. The Framework Agreement concerns purchase of BMR-stations (Biogas Measuring and Regulating Stations). The stations are to be used for the injection of biogas into the 4 barg natural gas net or the 7 barg natural gas grid. The Framework Agreement contains 3 types of BMR-stations with flow rates of 1 500, 4 000 and 6 000 Nm3/h. The supplier’s scope of supply includes engineering, manufacturing, installation, testing and commissioning. Some parts that are to be installed by the supplier in the BMR-stations are supplied by the Contracting authority – it concerns the following parts: flow computer, client Interface PLC, Router/Modem/ADSL. The Contracting authority supplies and installs the following parts of the BMR-stations: analyzing unit, PC/workstation and turbine meter. All other parts of the BMR-stations are to be delivered and installed by the supplier. The Framework Agreement contains an initial call-off for 3 BMR stations, which will be awarded on the basis of the award of the Framework Agreement to the tenderer that achieves the highest score, cf. Section 4.2 in the tender conditions. The Framework Agreement has a duration of a period of 5 years from the signing of the Framework Agreement. The Framework Agreement includes an option to prolong the Framework Agreement for 3 x 12 months. The tender involves a joint procurement including the parties mentioned in Section I.1. Companies in which employer or another company in the employer group at the time of conclusion of the Framework Agreement or during the term of the Framework Agreement acquires half or more than half of the capital or the assets or has the authority to exercise half or more than half of the voting rights or has the right to manage the company’s business regardless of the official name (all referred to as “Employer”), has the right to use the Framework Agreement.


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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Dansk Gas Distribution Holding A/S

Kirsten Ebstrup

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